Captured pt. 1 - Optimus Prime(TFP) x Ratchet(TFP)

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Optimus woke up in a dark room. He tried to move, only to find himself chained to the ceiling and floor. Stretched out and vulnerable from all sides. He knew he was on the Nemesis and he remembered being knocked out by Megatron. At that thought, he continued to try to free himself.

An evil cackle filled the still air and the Prime looked up. Starscream stepped into the light. "Oh, that won't be possible. Megatron will see to it that you won't leave with your life, unless you cooperate." He grinned before pressing a digit to his audio receptor, "Lord Megatron, the prisoner has awakened."

A few minutes later, the door slid open and the warlord stalked in. "Optimus! So nice to see you again!" He greeted sarcastically. "Megatron." Optimus growled.

Megatron stepped up to the Prime so they were face to face. "I will only ask nicely once." He snarled, "Where did you hide the Allspark?" Optimus only looked away. Megatron snatched his chin and looked him in the optics. "Where is it?!" When Optimus didn't say anything again, he grabbed the electric prod out of Starscream's servos and stabbed it into the Autobots leader's side, turning it on to the highest setting. Optimus let out a cry of agony as the raw electricity stormed through his systems.

When Megatron removed the weapon, Optimus went limp for a moment, smoke billowing from his abdomen and upper torso. Energon slowly trickled from the new wound in his side and ran down his leg, leaving a small puddle on the floor. He was gasping for breath and in pain, but he couldn't give Megatron more satisfaction. He slowly met Megatron's optics with a glare. The warlord's grin only got wider, "I see that you haven't had enough yet, Prime, so I will ask again. Tell me the location of the Allspark!" As he said this, he traced the sensitive cabling between Optimus's armor plates with the prod.

Optimus let out a cough before speaking. "I will never tell you anything." He rasped through gritted denta. Without giving Optimus another chance to speak, Megatron shoved the electric weapon into the space just below Optimus's spark chamber and turned it on. The Autobot leader's cries filled the room, his body jerking violently. Megatron did not remove the prod, instead, he thrust it deeper into his enemy, watching more energon splatter to the floor. When he was satisfied, he slowly withdrew the weapon and eyed Optimus's dimming optics with glee. "We will keep doing this until I get what I want." He snarled as he left the room.

Optimus was gasping for breath, he could barely withstand the pain, but he knew he had to. The other bots were counting on him to make it back safely. He needed to protect them.

A vehicon unchained his arms and let him fall to the floor, leaving his peds restrained, then quickly left the room and locked the door. Optimus gingerly propped himself up against the wall and placed his servos over his wounds. Sighing, he slowly fell into a fitful recharge.

~Time Skip~

When Optimus awoke again, he could barely move. He felt as if a building had collapsed on top of him. As his dull optics adjusted to the harsh lighting, he noticed that his arms had once again been chained. The puddle of energon at his peds was larger and the pain in his chest and side had grown.

He tried to contact base, but all that came to his audio receptors was static. He let out a small sigh, how was he going to get out of this?

Just as the Prime became lost in his thoughts, the door slid open, earning his attention. Starscream stepped into the light, the grin on his face brought a chill to Optimus's spark.

The heeled mech stepped to up the the injured Autobot leader and pressed a claw into his already wounded side. Optimus winced, trying not to show his discomfort. The red eyed bot then spoke, "I suppose no matter what I do to you, you won't tell me a thing?" A single nod was the leader's only response. Starscream laughed manically, "We'll see about that."

~Time Skip~

Several hours later, Starscream and Megatron still hadn't gotten any information out of the Prime. The only sound in the room was Optimus's labored breathing as the two evil doers tried to decide what to do with him next.

All of the sudden, a commotion could be heard from down the hall. "Starscream. Go see what is going on and report back immediately!" Megatron shouted. The seeker flinched at his master's voice and scampered out of the cell. A moment later, he came running back and slammed the door shut behind him. "It's the Autobots my lord, they've come to retrieve their leader!"

Megatron growled and turned to the barely conscious Prime. "How did you contact them?!" He snarled. Optimus mumbled something that couldn't be made out. Infuriated, the warlord grabbed Optimus by the neck cables. "Speak up!" He roared. The red and blue mech's optics met his captor's. "Get...f-fragged." He spat.

An explosion could be heard right outside the door, along with the sound of blaster fire. Megatron roared in rage and dug his sharp claws into Optimus's chest, ripping open the protective plating, exposing his spark and the Matrix of Leadership. Optimus's scream of pure agony did not fall upon deaf audio receptors. The Autobots burst into the room to find their leader on the verge of bleeding out.

Starscream immediately fled the room and after a little while, Megatron was knocked unconscious. Bumblebee quickly called Ratchet for a groundbridge.

The yellow scout rushed over to his adoptive father, tears threatening to fall from his optics. He motioned for Bulkhead to come and help him remove Optimus's bonds, being careful of his many severe wounds. ::Hurry Bulkhead! Help me get him through the bridge! We're losing him!:: Bumblebee beeped.

Optimus groaned as he tried to focus his processor. Warning lights were going off everywhere, then, he felt stasis overtake him.

Ratchet and the humans watched in horror as Optimus was dragged through the groundbridge portal and brought into the medical bay. The medic panicked even more when he saw the damage done to his leader's spark. Almost no one could survive something like this. As the thought crossed his processor, he began to operate, knowing that Optimus was losing time and fast.

~To Be Continued~

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