#8. Jean goes to Norman Islands

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With each day I spend trying to stay away from Roger, I find myself wanting him more. And the more I want him, the more I'm beginning to feel upset when I see him with Kara, to the point I find myself quickly getting angry at everything she does these days.

I don't want to turn into a person like this, but I can't stop feeling the way I do. So when Mr. Bosworth is standing in front of me and asking me to go to the Norman Islands, a worst possible place for anyone like me to visit, I can't believe I'm actually considering going.

Then again I don't think I've an option when it comes to Mr. Bosworth's requests.

It's all because I won that game.

Norman Islands has a world famous interpack training center for advanced werewolf training. Only a very selected few are allowed to train there. I've no idea how Mr. Bosworth pulled it but somehow he found me a spot. Why? I've no fricking idea. Maybe he believed all the false stories of my heroism I displayed in the game. But he's too smart to fall for that.

"I'm not sure why me?" I tell him.

"You're a good runner. So much so that your body can only do that," he says. I'm 100% percent sure that's not a compliment. He continues, "I know one of the trainers on the island, Alan, who specializes in training runners. I want him to take a look at you. I've talked to him already. Everything is arranged for your visit. You will stay there for two weeks, learning everything he teaches you."

"You really think I am that good of a runner?" I ask him.

"No." He says without hesitation. "But you can be with proper training. That's why I want Alan to take a look at you." I nod. Two weeks is not that long. And I'm sure no one, not even Alan can be a stricter trainer than Mr. Bosworth. And this might be the exact break I need right now.

"Okay, Mr.Bosworth. When do I leave?"

I drop my bags at the luggage check-in and go through the security, hurriedly. Boarding is in just five minutes, I'm late. When I reach the gate, boarding has already started. I show my pass and get on the flight. It's a small but expensive looking plane that will go straight to Waiku Islands. There's no direct flight to Norman Islands, I'll have to take a ferry from Waiku. The plane is small because not that many people visit those islands.

My seat is at the back. By the time I'm midway, I see two familiar faces. "You gotta be kidding me," I say out loud. Dalton grins at me. Roger looks away.

"What the hell are you two doing here?" I ask them.

Dalton says, "You're not the only one going to have a two week training there. We are going, too."

What? Mr. Bosworth didn't tell me that, and neither did Dalton. Dalton knew I was leaving for Norman today but he didn't tell me he and Roger were coming too!!! I open my mouth to ask him why he didn't say anything before, but I notice a line of passengers waiting behind me to go to their seats, so I head to mine. A few minutes after the takeoff, Dalton comes to my seat. He asks the girl sitting next to me to change seats with her.

After she notices who she'll be sitting next to at Dalton's seat, she quickly leaves, and Dalton takes her seat. "Why didn't you tell me?" I ask him. "It's a surprise," he says.

"Surprise, my foot! How could you do this to me? I told you I'm going there because I want to be away from Roger and Kara for a while. If you'd told me you guys were going, too, I wouldn't have left."

"A. You don't have a choice. If Mr. Bosworth wants you to go, you go. B. We won't be training together. Bosworth told us you were going to train with a trainer specialized in running. Roger and I will be training with Quentin."

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