Prologue : The Mysterious Boy

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In a town we can see a young woman who's goes by the name of Ezra Scarlet and that she was just returning from a mission and that she also has a huge horn that she gotten from killing a monster that was attacking a town.

And when she was walking she felt something near by and being curious she walks to the feeling and when she does she was shocked as to what she sees

Ezra : Oh. My.

She says while having wide eyes

And as to what she is seeing is a young boy who's has red hair like her and that also he was laying on the ground

And when she checks and to see if the child was still breathing and when she feels a pulse she breathe in a sigh of relief

Erza : Okay little one let me take you to master and get you heal up.

So she gently picks up the boy and also her horn and the she started to run to the guild of fairy tail

3rd Person POV

And inside the guild we can see the guild members talking to each other and that there was also a new member to the guild and her name is Lucy and she was talking to Mirajane

Lucy : So is this place always this chaotic?

She say's while looking at Natsu and Gray who was starting a fight

Mijarane : *Giggles* Yep! But don't worry Lucy you get used to it.

Lucy : Yeah like that would happen.

Natsu : Come on ice brain!

Gray : Bring it flame head!

Happy : Ay! Go natsu!!

Says the blue cat

But before the two could start their fight the doors to the guild were opened

Male Wizard : She's back!

Says the male wizard and once he did the guild was in a uproar

Lucy : Who is?

She says confused

Mirajane : *Giggles* You see.

She says while giving Lucy a playful wink

And when the door opens everyone turns to it but before they can celebrate

Ezra called for the master of the guild


Yelled Ezra who sounded desperate

Natsu : What wrong e-

But he soon stopped when he saw her glare


soon everyone comes into view and when they did they can see the boy in Ezra arms and they had their eyes widened

Gray : Who's the kid.

Say's gray

Happy : What happened to him Erza?

Say's the blue hair cat

Ezra : I don't no but he's alive, but just unconscious and that he needs healing because I can feel magic in him.

??? : What's this commotion about a child in the guild?

Say's a old man voice

And when Ezra heard it she moved past the others

Ezra : Master Makarov. This boy he needs healing now!!

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