Chapter 26 - Pancakeland

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Tom's POV

I woke up from a pleasant smell coming from downstairs.

Hell, I hardly had any sleep last night.

I smiled thinking about our 'netflix and chill'. I thought she would go for a romantic and soppy chick flick films, but she surprised me when she flicked through Suspense and Thriller section.

"I like films with a plot and twist. I don't like a film that's predictable. I like it when it's intellectually stimulating and leaves room to my imagination." I recalled her say.

We ended up watching Gone Girl. It was a good film but half of the time we were watching it, I was watching her. She was just way too beautiful. So distracting. So close yet so far. I felt like a stupid idiot for being undeniably attracted to her.

"So, apart from Rugby, what else are you interested in then? James is interested in collecting cars and girls. Are you the same?" She asked me last night which made me laugh. She reminded me of her nan who says what she thinks.

"Not all players like to collect girls and cars, Riley. Don't you think you're stereotyping us?" I challenged her.

She raised an eyebrow. "Did I say all players, Wiltshire? I'm only referring to James and only asking YOU, if 'you're' the same."

The way she said my name in a stern way, almost gave me a hard on, it was pathetic.

And her wits and fiery comeback.

She wasn't just all beauty, she was all brain too. She never failed to surprise me each time. She was far from the girl I first met. She wasn't quiet and shy either. I realised that she was always up for a fight and always had a feisty comeback to everything.

She kept me on my toes and I kinda liked it.

I cleared my throat. "Well, I like the outdoors. I like hiking, skiing, travelling and unravelling places that are hidden to most people."

"Ohhhh very interesting!" Her eyes went wide.

I laughed.

"I've not been skiing before." I don't think I'm brave enough to do it knowing how clumsy I can be." She scoofed.

"You're right there." I joked. "Mind you, you're good at paddling."

I noticed her cheeks turned red. I knew she was thinking about that night.

I contained myself not to think about it too or else..

I cleared my thoughts.

"But seriously, unravelling places sound very interesting. Which country have you been to that you really like the most?"

"Canada without a doubt. I went hiking there with the boys and it was the best experience of our lives. We nearly died but it was all worth it. You should come with us sometime, you would love it if you like beautiful sceneries."

She nodded. "It sounds scary but also sounds like an adventure. I'll think about it." She smiled.

"I'll look after you, don't worry."

Her smile faded. I also just realised what I said. I grabbed my drink and quickly drank it.

She did too.

I didn't know why I did that. I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable in any way. We had some issues that we were trying to avoid. Obviously, we were not the best of friends, but I sounded as if I was desperate to get her to be part of my life. I just loved her company too much to ruin everything.

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