Great white yandere

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Morning has come, and class 1-a had a special assignment. As hero's they must go on patrol on the beach, and keep things under control.
Izuku was ready for anything. So he went to the boys room and changed into his swimsuit.
Ochaco was also ready, so she put her bikini to get for the beach.
"Do you like my bikini deku." Ochaco said
"Oh yea... it's quite good and ti.. tigh..tight." said Izuku
"Oh stop it! Your making my cheeks red."said ochaco
"Ochaco your cheeks are always red."said Izuku
Ochaco's face got as red as the sun.Not from sun burn, but shy to think that was stupid to say.
" cause I forgot to put on my tanning oil, and my cheeks get sun burned easy. I gotta go to the bathroom, to put some on my face."said ochaco
"Ok?"said Izuku
Ochaco ran to the bathroom all embarrassed.
She went in and went up against the mirror, talking to herself.
"Your so stupid ururaka, thats not it at all. I don't think..."
"Hmmm... ochaco, I know what your doing. Your trying to steal my Izukukun all to yourself. But it's not going to happen. Now that I have this." Toga said
Toga quickly drank blood, and transformed and went into the girls room.
"Our my cheeks always this red?" Said ochaco
"Well, well, well. If it isn't uravity."
"Camie! What are you doing here? Since when does shugetsu high come to the beach here?" Said ochaco
"I just wanted to have great time on the beach since I'm always looking for fun."
"That's true, since she's stupid than she looks." Ochaco said in her thoughts.
"You know I could have your boy all for myself."
Ochaco was misunderstood of what she just said.
"Wh-what do you mean?" Said ochaco
"I want deku for myself."
Ochaco was confused of what camie said. She her sun loition, and started walking away. Then camie grabbed her arm tight.
"It's because of you. Your always in the way of happiness with him"
Ochaco started to get scared. Camie was pulling her to an empty stall and, she started to scream for help.
Camie takes out a tranquilizer dart from her cleavage and injected ururaka.
Just when the tranquilizer was kicking in. Camie turn back to toga.
" stay away from him."ochaco struggled.
"Oh and Izuku are gonna be one happy couple."said toga
Ochaco then passed out in the stall and toga grabs here needle and took ochaco's blood, and drinks it.
Toga giggles "I'm coming to get you Izuku... hehehe."

Togas lust hunt (deku x toga)Where stories live. Discover now