18.The Change

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It was so hard for me not to cuss Leah out at school. I almost did like three time, but we don't need anymore drama. Why? So people can have more to talk about? So Camile can somehow make this about us. For the rest of the day my brain kept going back to the last time we fought. Right before I realized I had a crush on her. It got kinda nasty, at the basketball court we used to hang out at in middle school. Leah ended up with scraps all over her from the concrete, she got me a few good time, I could feel the knot forming on my head, but I didn't care. It was her crying that really hurt me.

The fight was over something so stupid I don't even remember. Seeing those tears in her eyes, that's what made me realize how much I loved her. I told myself I wouldn't hurt her again. This is the closet to wanting to hurt her I've been since that shit happened.

I slammed the bedroom door behind me and she jumped hard.

"Damn Mani, you scared the shit out of me."

"Leah what the fuck is wrong with you?"

"What did I do?" She whined looking at me concerned.

"I talked to Yaya today."


I felt my fist clench. I cut her off. "What the fuck Leah? You don't see how you act?! Why do you want me to be alone? Huh?You know how the fuck I feel about you! You KNOW! I TRIED to be with you! You ain't fucking want me! And now that I'm trying to be a NORMAL person and move the fuck on you won't let me!"

I could see the tears working up in her eyes.


"No like for real, you a really tried to fuck up shit with Yaya and you tryna sabotage my shit with Camile? You really had my girlfriend high as fuck scared out her fucking mind and you think that shits OKAY? You think that's some shit a bestfriend should do?! All I wanted was for you to be supportive of me since you don't fucking want me. But you tryna fuck my whole relationship up causing me drama and shit!"

Once I finally got it all out I stared at her waiting for answer. I stared through her tears, I usually can't ignore her crying but the fact that she was so okay with hurting me had me hot.

She wiped her eyes. "Mani, I'm sorry. You're right. I've been a terrible fucking best friend! I don't know what's making me do the things I do. Maybe I'm jealous I-"

"Nah you can't be jealous . I'm not no cheating ass pussy ass nigga. That's the type you like. You keep trying me like I'm like that. No wonder you wanted to be a dumb ass and keep trying to be with Jamal. Well I'm not no damn Jamal."

"okay Imani! I said I'm sorry! I know I suck! I know I was being an asshole. What do you want? What can I do to fix it?"

"Tell me what you want? Do you want me? If you want me I'll break up with her right now. On god. But if you don't then you need to chill. I swear if you try to fuck my relationship up again we won't have shit to talk about"

I immediately regretted it as soon as the words came out of my mouth.

How could I function without Leah? I've never wanted space. I always just wanted her by my side. I've always wanted her to be mine. Shit I still want it.  But I saw the look in her eyes. I knew her answer before she even said that shit. I felt tears working up.

Shit Mani, stop being a pussy. I'm tired of crying over this shit. I'm tired of crying over her.

"Mani... I can't" she sounded like she was choking on the words.

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