Boy's Night - Getting Ready

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All the men were having a boys night in the main lounge/bar area of the avengers tower. I was in my room going though clothes to wear later. Bucky and Steve arrived back from a mission a few hours ago. I greeted them back from a mission a few hours ago. I greeted them down the stairs and then dragged Buck off to our room. I'd missed him so much, his cute smile, the way he stared in awe when I did silly little things that he found cute, his voice. And most of all I missed the way Bucky made me feel. He made me feel whole, sexy, good in my skin. he was perfect for me.

When I dragged him into the elevator he picked me up and spun me round. We both laughed and then our lips met. It was such an expressive kiss. It was fast and full but then all of a sudden he slowed it down. He slowly ended the kiss not abrupt and rude but it was disappointing. I wanted him to devour me like he usually did when he got back from missions. I was a little confused but didn't show it, I knew I could just get him back at the party in a couple of hours. Buck went and had a shower to clean up and I went to our wardrobe again to add the final touches to my outfit for later on.

Women weren't meant to come to the boys nights but I told tony my plan and he let the rule slip for the occasion. As I walk into the lounge Bucky is sitting on the couch in black skinny jeans and a white (two sizes to small) t-shirt. He looks hot. He stops drying his hair and walks over to me, puts the jacket I had in my hand down and walks behind me. His hands trail up my back to my shoulders and he starts massaging the knots out. I lean into his touch and let out a sigh of relaxation. He rests his freshly shaven chin into the rook of my neck and grins
" you like that baby girl" he bloody teases, he knows that name gets to me. " I missed this, us, you. It was hell with out you doll."
"I agree buck it's too hard. Our bed was cold too!"
" that's changing doll. I'm back and I'm giving you all the loving in the world" he mumbles, he moves his lips up to my ear and tugs on the lobe with his teeth. He then whispers " your not going to be able to walk once we're done baby."
I grin hoping he doesn't see, then pretend to whine. "but Buckkkkk, why not nowwww?!"
"Baby I cant go to Starks party after fucking you! I'll cum at the thought of all the stuff we would have done, and I wanna go slow ok? I know you were disappointed before on the elevator but I knew if I didn't stop Steve would look for me hours later and he'd see us, cause baby doll I cant keep it together when we start, you're too damn sexy" He wraps his arms around my waist and returns his lips to my neck and starts kissing it saying random words "beautiful, sexy, mine, amazing, doll, angel, princess." Every word he says has me melting into him and grinning like a bloody idiot.

Our cuddles and kisses last a few minutes longer before Steve bursts in without knocking and tells Buck that the boys are all going for drinks now. Buck sigh and then plants a last kiss and then leaves. I turn around and get changed into the tight, short, skimpy dress with criss - cross straps all the way down the sides not stopping for either the sides of my boobs or hips. Bucky is CRAZY for this dress but hates it if someone else see's it. when I was buying it, I tried it on and came out of the change room stall and another guy eyed me off and Bucky stared at him clenching his fists. So considering the amount of guys there are to show off tonight, hopefully Bucky will be angry enough to leave and 'take me' with him.

Boys night - Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now