Chapter 6: A walk with a "Friend"

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You and the girls spent hours on end, shopping to your heart's content. The girls had bought countless clothes and jewelry. They used every ounce of their money. You on the other hand had only bought a little, not wanting to spend someone else's money. The only expensive thing you got was the necklace Nami had bought for you. You still were baffled that she'd ever do that. You have only known each other for about two days. Nami for whatever reason had taken a special liking to you. Apparently she doesn't spend money on people, according to Robin.

Near the end of the whole shopping spree, Robin had about five bags of clothes and Nami seven. You on the other hand had one. You didn't ask for much. You only asked for things that you really wanted. You were picky, in order to be nice. You and Robin were walking side by side while Nami led the way to another store. Your feet had started to hurt from walking around so much, but you didn't complain. They both looked like they were having fun so you kept quiet.

"Are you having fun?" Robin piped up.

"Yeah of course!" You answered.

"I'm glad. Though, I'm still surprised Nami bought all of your clothes and necklace by herself," Robin spoke.

"Same here, we've only known each other for a short period of time," You agreed.

"Well not only that, Nami is money crazy. She won't ever spend on anyone else. It's not like her. She even holds money debts against us," Robin explained.

"Really? Money debts?" You questioned. Robin nodded in reply.

"I really wanted to go to a book store today, though it doesn't look like it'll happen," Robin added on.

"Yeah, I notice you like to read a lot. Whenever I look at the crew, you're always to the side enjoying a book," You explained, "Which leads me to this question, what books do you enjoy?"

"Normally adventure books," Robin simply said.

"Nice! I don't like reading all that much, but I guess I can't really say that. I've only been awake for two days and remember nothing before," You said. Robin giggled to herself. Nami suddenly started waving, grabbing you and Robin's attention.

"Oi! Zoro!" She called out. A certain swordsman turned around and greeted her with a wave. He stopped and waited for you girls to catch up. Nami was the first to question him once you all reached him.

"So, you lost?" Nami teased.

"No," Zoro replied with a glare across his face.

"You sure?" You piped up appearing on his right.

"Yes," He said.

"I heard some stories about you while walking with these two," You explained, "You get lost pretty often huh?"

"Buzz off!" He snarled. You laughed in reply to his attitude. Nami and Robin walked behind you and Zoro.

"You need someone to direct you?" You asked.

"I'm perfectly fine on my own," Zoro said as he walked away from the shopping center.

"Are you sure? You're walking away from the shopping center," You questioned. Zoro stopped and glanced around. He then proceeded to make up an excuse.

"I'm going back to The Sunny," He said, proceeding to walk.

"Umm, The Sunny is that way," You said, pointing towards where you all had come from. Zoro stopped once more and looked back at you. He started trudging towards the direction you were pointing in.

"I knew that," He grumbled as he walked past you. The two girls started laughing as you looked back at them.

"You better go with him," Robin said.

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