Chapter 3

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Tuesday, September 1st

Marisa's POV:

After an uneventful weekend and Monday, Tuesday afternoon rolls around. I get a text from Megan that says "have fun with the older Kingsley 😏" I roll my eyes and text back "😒 and you have fun with the younger one 😏"

Then there's a knock at the door, of course, it's a freshly showered, smiling James, leaning up against my front porch, looking so good. I smile and wave him in.

As I lead him to the kitchen I say "Are you hungry? You have to be you just came from practice." He replies "Yea, practice kicked my ass today; I definitely could eat." I say "Good, I hope you like pasta. Also, make yourself at home." His eyes light up at the sound of that as he takes a seat.

I get started on the pasta; I say "Why was practice so tough today? Did my dad work you too hard?" He laughs and says "Hahahaha yea, striker drills the whole time are exhausting".

I say not surprised "Oh so you're a striker, that makes sense." He looks confused and says "what do you mean?" I turn around and lock eyes with him and say "The position a person plays can say a lot about them for example, you're a striker so that means once you see an opportunity you like, you take it, with no hesitation. That's what strikers do." He walks towards me, smirks and says "Well I do tend to get what I want."

He pauses then says "Can I help you with dinner?" I face the stove again "If you could set the table, that would be a great help actually." I can feel his presence behind me. He says "Of course, where are the plates, cups and utensils?" "Here" I say as I reach for the cupboard with the plates and he reaches for it too. Our hands touch, I feel sparks and I can see the look on his face in my peripheral vision so I know he feels it too.

I pull away because the water is finally boiling. I manage to stop it before it boils over. Its awkward for a little while he sets the table.

He breaks the ice by saying "After dinner, do you wanna make a game plan for our project and how to tackle it?" I say "I think that's a great idea, Also, how are your classes going? Because if we have down time, we could always do homework since we have all the same classes, if you want?" He smiles and says "honestly, that would be great, history and anatomy are not my strong suits."

Dinner is ready, I give him the TV remote so it's not awkwardly silent the whole time. I'm hopeful he'll pick the Cleveland Indians game (AN: I will change the name of this team, when it is officially changed by the team) even though he's from the UK.

He says "Hey, isn't there a baseball game on tonight? Over the summer, I got really into watching baseball so do you mind if I put that on?" I say "Of course I don't mind, I was honestly hoping you would put that on. I'm a big fan." "Beautiful and likes sports, good to know" he says. I blush and stare at my pasta.

To change the air in the room, He says "Who's your favorite player on the Indians?" "Francisco Lindor, the shortstop since I used to play shortstop when I was younger." "What other hobbies do you have?" He asks interested.

I say "I used to play volleyball, tennis, softball, basketball, run track, did gymnastics. I can play the piano, and guitar, I've taken dance lessons for years; I sing and act in plays and musicals."

He says impressed "Is there anything you can't do?" I say "Fly, but I'm working on it"(make it or break it reference). He totally thinks I'm serious but when I burst out laughing, he cracks a smile and laughs.

James' POV

After cleaning up dinner, I say "thank you for dinner, you didn't have to, but it was awesome." She smiles and says "You're welcome, ready to work on the project?" I nod and we set up our stuff in the family room, so we can keep the baseball game on.

For the first week, the outline says we have to talk about the basics such as favorites, and hobbies. Basically we talk and talk like we've known each other for years.

The conversation flows naturally. Neither one of us is paying attention to the game on tv anymore. The more we talk, the more intriguing she becomes if that was even possible. And then we start on regular homework which we don't have much of considering it's the first full week of classes, so we get back to talking.

Around 9:45pm, I get a call from my mom asking "do you know what time it is? where have you been?" I let her know that I'm at Marisa's and I'll be home soon.

I look at Marisa while rubbing the back of my neck and say "I didn't even realize how late it, I gotta get going before my mom calls again. Thank you for everything. How about the same time on Thursday, but we could hang at my house if that's cool with you?" She bashfully smiles and says "I didn't realize either, and that works for me." As I'm walking out the door, I say "Thank you again, see you tomorrow."

She looks around at her drive way and then looks at me like a confused puppy with a head tilt and says "wait, how are you getting home?" She looks so cute like that. I say "I'm walking since I only live like 3 streets away, and I don't like to drive." She rolls her eyes playfully and says "Wait, here."

She comes back with her keys and says "Let's go." I'm about to protest when she gives me a stern look that basically says just get in the car, I'm driving you. I just shake my head, chuckle a little, and get in the passenger seat.

I direct her to my house and she laughingly says "wow, you do live close by" I say "I know, that's why I said I would walk". "James, you had a full day of school and a tough soccer practice, and don't act like I didn't see you struggling to get up off the floor earlier." "Oh you caught that huh?" She laughs and says "Get some rest, I'll see you tomorrow" "Goodnight Marisa" "Goodnight James"

When I get in my house, Dawson smugly says "You sure got home fast" "uh, yea Marisa drove me home." He replies "And you must be hungry to since you were so eager to get out of this house earlier" I blush and say "No, I'm good, I already ate" Mom comes walking and asks "what did you have for dinner?" "Marisa made pasta" Mom smiles fondly and says "That girl is something else. She's pretty, caring and she can cook. You better not screw this up James"

"Mom! What? We aren't even a thing! I don't know what you're talking about! I just met her." I ramble on. She cuts me off " Now James, I saw you making heart eyes at her over the dinner table on Friday. I know that look, You've only had that look once before. Now what I'm saying is get to know her, and treat her right, she could be the best thing that has ever happened to you."

As I rub my neck awkwardly, I ask her if Marisa and I can work on our project here on Thursday after practice and she says "of course, and Marisa can stay for dinner then too. Also James Edward, you better have helped her in some way with dinner, if not I'm going to be very disappointed." I reply "of course I helped her, I set the table and helped clean up." She says "good boy, I raised you right." And with that I go get ready for bed.

Before bed, I go bother Dawson since he bugs me about Marisa I feel it's only fair to bug him about Megan. "So how was hanging with Megan?" "It was good, we got a lot of work done, and I learned a lot." "A lot about what?" "Life in independence, her likes, dislikes and hobbies, and your crush."

"Wait what? You learned something about Marisa?!" "Ha so you do have a crush on her!" "Damn it" "Dude, like mom said it's obvious that you like her" "How could I not? Have you seen her? She's stunning, smart and talented beyond belief." "You got it bad, dude." "Tell me something I don't know" (cue song from Another Cinderella Story here lol)

"Well I asked how Marisa and Megan became friends? Then one thing led to another and she said that Marisa has a rough couple of months and that it's not her story to tell, and to just be patient." "And now she's mysterious, I swear she's perfect." He pats my leg and says "Good luck dude" and leaves my room.

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