The Theater

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"Okay, this should do it." I said.

Right now, I finished preparing the theater for our guest. I also have snacks and a few things, in case some things are disturbing or sad.

"Alright, now to get them."

Class 1-A, Mei, Shinso, The Wild Wild Pussycats, Kota, Eri, Inko, Mitsuki, and some teachers of U.A and Nezu were dropped in the theater.

Everyone groan.

"Alright, where the fuck are we?" Katsuki asked. He looked around and saw his mom. "And why the hell are you here old hag?"

Mitsuki got mad "The hell you say to me you brat!"

Everyone started to panic.

"Everyone, please calm down." I said.

Everyone looked at me.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!" Katsuki yelled.

Aizawa got in a fighting stand " Alright, what's going on here"

"Sorry, but everything will be explained once you sit down in a seat." I said.

Everyone went to a seat.

"WAIT, WHERE'S IZUKU!!!" Inko yelled on the verge of tears.

"Oh, he's just sleeping back in the dorms." I responded and walked up to the front to look at everyone.

"Hello everybody, my name is Mar- I mean Tensai and today you are gonna be watching alternate universes of Izuku Midoriya" I said.

Katsuki started yelling "AND WHY THE HELL WOULD WE DO THAT?!"

"Because I said so" I growled back, "Now sit down."

Katsuki clicked his teeth and sat back down.

Nezu started speaking "But, why are we doing this?"

"For you to see, what would happen if you made the wrong choice." I replied.

Al the teachers started nodding in agreement.

" Alright, without further ado, let's begin." I announced.

A/n: Yes, if you know me, then yes I announced that I would quit but with this, I can hear your ideas and write from your ideas. You will be given credit too.  But for right now, I had a few in mind and as you can see, some are already written, so please enjoy.

Tensai Out.

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