Late Night Checkup

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Leo sat up in bed . His big brother Insictnts kicked in and went to go check on his littlest brothers Donnie and Mikey . To his surprise he saw raph also walking to Donnie and Mikey's room .

"Hey raph you going to check on Donnie and Mikey to ?" Leo asked
"Yeah I just had this instinct and needed to check on them." Raph said

"We have that same instinct don't we ?" Leo asked

Raph smricked "yeah fearless someone needs to keep those two safe ." Raph said

They both went to there baby brothers room and were greated with an an adorable site . Donnie and Mikey were cuddling and snuggling and they were very close to each other probably because of the storm . Mikey has his thumb in his mouth as he always did while Donnie held Mikey in his protective arms like a teddy bear and he was snoring .

"Aw I forgot how cute they were when the spelt ." Leo said

"There not cute .... there adorable " raph wispered the last part .

Thunder went off causing the younger brothers to whimper and shake in there sleep .

Raph and Leo jumped into action and helped there baby brothers calm down ."shhh shhh shhh shhh it's ok guys your big brothers are here go back to sleep ." Raph  said

"R-Raphie ?" Donnie and Mikey said in there sleep .

"Hush now you two it's ok it's just thunder it can't hurt you ." Leo said .

Donnie and Mikey yawned Cutley and went back to sleep at there big brothers soft voices and comforting words as Donnie continued to snore and Mikey's thumb made its way back in his mouth .

Leo smiled and kissed there foreheads

Raph rubbed there heads as both of them left the room so they can sleep .

"Night Raph ." Leo said
"Night Leo " raph said
As both brothers went back to there rooms

Hey guys I hope you liked this little one shot . Bye for now !!!

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