•Chapter one•

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Y/n Pov
I was walking down the halls, listening to anime openings. Everyone looked at me like I was Shimizu-senpai, but I don't see it. If I'm being honest, I just wanted to get through my day. I walked into class and my teacher began to speak. "Today we are talking about the Karasuno boys volleyball team, and their training camp" he stated. The word Volleyball Interested me. "We need one student to raise money for the team to be able to make it to the training camp." He said again, writing on the chalkboard. "Any ideas?" He asked us. One girl raised her hand. "Maybe we can start a bake sale" she said with a devilish grin. That's Rico, the girl that seemingly 'runs the school' Everyone agreed with her, I just rolled my eyes in disgust. I raised my hand. "I'm ok with singing to make money" You said, looking back at Rico. She was mad, that I had an idea, because most of the time I keep quiet in class. 'I'm not cooking or baking for anyone' I thought, giving my teacher a close eyed smile. "Alright then, anymore suggestions?" He asked, no one answered. He started to talk. "Does everyone here know how to bake?" He asked the class. I heard a lot of kids reply with "No". Ten kids answered "Yeah" the teacher asked, "Is anyone here comfortable with singing?" Everyone except me and Rico said "No". The bell then rang. "Y/n and Rico stay after class" he said dismissing all the other students in class. "I would like to hear both of you sing, to pick a singer to raise money" he said giving a sweet smile to both of us. "Rico, you first," he said, giving her a thumbs up. I didn't really pay attention to her singing, but she was singing "Play date" by Melanie Martinez. She got to the chorus and then finished. "Beat that" she whispered as she walked pass me, to exit to sit at her desk. I grabbed my phone. "One moment, let me find the instrumental of the song I'm looking for" I said to my teacher "Ok Y/n, but make it quick" he said smiling. I unlocked my phone and opened Youtube. I searched up "Gurenge By Lisa instrumental". I pressed play and began singing the lyrics.

Rico Pov
She's probably going to mess up or something. Nothing I can do. I chuckled at the sound of her losing to me. She was on her phone, looking for something. I wasn't paying much attention because I was busy playing with my pencil. Then she began to sing.

Y/n Pov

(Play song now!)

Tsuyoku nareru riyuu wo shitta
Boku wo tsurete susume

Dorodarake no soumatou ni you

Kowabaru kokoro furueru te wa
Tsukamitai mono ga aru
Sore dake sa

Yoru no nioi ni (I spend my day and night)
Sora nirandemo (Staring into the sky)

Kawatte ikeru no wa jibun jishin dake
Sore dake sa

Rico pov
Is she singing in Japanese?! That isn't fair! No one told me we were allowed to sing different languages! I decided to cut Y/n off while she was singing. "Hey!" I called out.

No one responded. So rude. I let out a 'Tch' before the teacher began to speak.

Y/n Pov
"That was amazing y/n!" The teacher exclaimed. I bowed in respect. "Thank you" I stood back up. "You may leave now, I will inform Takeda that you are going to help" He said dismissing me and Rico. I grabbed my phone, plugging my earbuds in and playing {Favourite song}. 'I wonder what the boys volleyball team is like' I thought as I walked into the cafeteria. I got some pizza and went to go sit with F/n.

Ukai Pov
"Guess what!" Takeda came running at me, holding a paper. He sat down next to me. "Someone in the school is willing to raise money for us!" He said, very exited. "How will they raise money?" I asked him, still making sure the boys were practicing their spikes. "They said that they'll sing!" He exclaimed. 'Sing, huh' I thought. "We should tell the boys" Takeda told me. "Boys! Bring it in!" Everyone started to jog back and sit down. "Takeda-sensei has some news" I said crossing my arms.

Takeda Pov

"Everyone knows about next week's training camp, right?" I asked them. "Hell yeah!" Tanaka and Noya shouted "Calm down you guys, this is important" I got everyone to calm down. "We don't have enough money to get there" I told them. "But!" I shouted. "Someone from school is going to raise money!" I shouted with joy. "By singing!" I said.

Daichi Pov

'A singer?' I thought, listening to Takeda Sensei. Noya and Tanaka were asking wether it was a girl or not, bombarding Takeda sensei with questions. Then, all of a sudden a girl with h/c hair and e/c eyes walked in. Everyone looked at her.

Y/n Pov

Everyone was staring. I instantly regretted my choice. "Hi" I said, waving. Then out of no where a Bald boy and a Short boy Came running to me.

I dodged them because I'm not getting attacked by teenaged boys, Not today at least. "My name is L/n Y/n" I said, giving them a smile. "I'm a second year at Karasuno and I'm here to raise money for your training camp" The two boys came back, but they just stood infront of me.

"You can sing?" "What's your favourite song?" "Can you sing any song?" I was being asked too much questions for my brain to comprehend. (Literally me)

"Uh sure but can you tell me your names please?" I gave a nervous smile. "I'm Tanaka!" The bald one shouted "And I'm Nishinoya!" The shorter one answered. "Alright, uh.." You we're panicking. "Let me grab my guitar from my bag" I said putting myself together. I grabbed my guitar. (When I say bag i mean the guitar case)

 'What do I do now' I thought, thinking what to do next

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'What do I do now' I thought, thinking what to do next. 'I got it!'

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