~ Chapter 3 ~

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Y/n: Woah~ that's a close one. (breathing heavily)

After knowing that theres no one was following me, I jogged my way through the hallways while tracking my way towards my classroom. I look to the front to see no path except turning to the right, so I look back at my tab to make sure that I was heading at the right way. Then as I was turning...


I accidentally bump onto something and fall back quickly but there's a sudden strong grip grabbing my hand from falling and pull me up quickly. I slowly open my eyes to see someone's chest. "What?" A bit shock, then I look up to see...

two pair of worried eyes looking straight at me

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two pair of worried eyes looking straight at me. "Double what?!" . I then notice the positioned I'm getting into. I was hold tightly by two strong arm and let me explained 'hug me tightly' from falling down, both of my palms were resting on his chest. I can feel myself burning. My cheeks are hot and my lips are getting warmer (this is normal for me if i get shy, embarrass or blush). I quickly jump away from him.

The man: Are you okay? (Trying to get close)

Y/n: ye..yeah... I'm fine. Thank you for that (step back while looking at the floor)

The man: oh...Okay~ then~

Y/n: Okay~ bye~ (about to run away but got block by him)

The man: are you sure? Cause i can see your cheeks getting red from up here, you got a fever? Cold? Sick? (Slowly leaning down to see my face)

Y/n: it was nothing really~, you don't have to worry about it (hiding my face even more while leaning away from him)

"What is wrong with this guy!! And why is he over caring?? And why he smell soo sweet?? I better get off from here quick".

The man: hmmm...is it?? (Leaning even more while squinting his eyes)

Y/n: okay bye! (Quickly dash away from him)

I ran as fast as I could, ignoring all the eyes around me and finally made it into my classroom. I went inside and not even one student arrived here yet.

Y/n: guess I'm the first one...again (while observing the classroom)

Y/n: hmmm not bad, I like it, very organized. Hmmm where should I sit then...(looking for the best spot)

I then choose at the very back of the classroom beside the window. "I hope that my partner doesn't hate me about earlier, have a fun vibes, a good person and has the same personality as mine" quietly begging inside of my heart.

Y/n: Looks like all of the students are taking there sweet time searching their classroom or chatting...(stating the obvious)

I then pulled out my earpiece and listen to my favorite song while waiting for them.


The class were now full but there's no one willingly to sit beside me. I ignore it and thought that it was for the best and continue listening my song. After a few minutes, the girls started to squel again. I don't even have to turn around cause i know who it was. I just keep on staring at the view through the big window.


As y/n was spacing out , the two famous boys were searching for the best spot for them to sit together. All the girls are signaling them to sit beside them while the boys are trying to be friends with them. The two boys are still looking everywhere till...

 The two boys are still looking everywhere till

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Boy 1: hey~... that's the girl from earlier...(Whispering to boy 2)

Boy 2: yeah~...and there's no one sitting beside her... that's cruel~ (whispering while feeling bad for Y/n)

Boy 1: yeah...no one is sitting beside her...why is that? I think she's fun though even though we just met her (whispering to him)

Boy 2: me too~

Both of them slammed their hands together in a bro sign.


The squealing and shouting of boys and girls were suddenly gone. "Huh? Is the festival over?". I then face to the front to see everyone was looking at me, even for the boys. I gave them a head sign of 'what?' with both of my eyebrows moving upwards. They didn't respond to me till I look to my side and immediately went flabbergasted.

 They didn't respond to me till I look to my side and immediately went flabbergasted

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The famous idols were now sitting beside me while smiling brightly. I can see the bunny teeth and a box smile shape for each one of the boys.

" I wanna jump out of this classroom right now". Slowly facing back at the window and hide my face. I can hear them trying to say something, but a teacher suddenly came inside saving my life for now.

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