• Prologue •

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*Art above and every art shown in this book aren't mine so credits to the one who actually made them*

Cussing? does "Hell" count as cussing? i don't know


3rd Person POV
"Okay Gizzy, Jon you two are the oldest look after both Kayla and Bryan alright?" Jon's mom said leaning to be on the same height as them as they both nodded "Okay kids, Gizzy stick by my side okay? you three you can go be wherever you want to be just don't talk to strangers and if one of you gets lost ask a worker alright?"Gizzy's dad said as Jon groaned knowing that he wasn't going to get to play the drums

They nodded "Alright follow me I don't want you getting hurt"Gizzy sighed annoyed as he followed his dad who was talking to William Afton one of the workers at this place, the other three walked away Jon,Bryan and Kayla watching the animatronics and listening to they're singing

Jon looked around to see if the others weren't talking to strangers and made sure they are okay and to see if any of they're parents were there as he walked up to the stage and played the drums taking away Foxy's place "Hey you aren't allowed to play that! get off the stage!" one of the audience that was a grown adult said

"I don't listen to you old man!" Jon yelled with a smirk continuing playing with the drums as he was playing William walked towards "Your not supposed to play with the drums kid, follow me i need to have a long talk with your mom" he said as Jon jumped down the drums annoyed as he growled slightly following him to his office

"Tch.. you think im scared of my own mom? he never lets me play the drums as a kid"he said as he kept following once they were at his office William locked the door as Foxy was sitting at the corner offline he wasn't playing the drums since Jon did push him away and played the drums himself

"So what now?"Jon asked still of course annoyed as William pulled out a knife "What are you holding?.." Jon asked taking notice of the knife "Hmm.. since you really do like playing with the drums then you might be good on playing as one of my animatronics.." he said walking towards Jon with a knife Jon still backing away "What the hell is wrong with you?!" he yelled

Afton stayed silent as he ran towards Jon stabbing him in the chest which caused Jon to scream loudly he kept stabbing him until his pulse wasn't working anymore Afton stood up looking down at Jon who had many stab wounds and had a missing eye and was covered in his own blood "1 down 4 to go~" Afton backed away from the pool of blood he only had small blood stains on him which is easy to clean off

He took the dead body dragging it to the animatronic in the corner, Foxy as he opened the animatronic's "stomach" shoving Jon in as he closed it cleaning the blood on him and the blood on the floor as he walked away going for his next victim

He noticed Bryan playing at the arcade as he smirked taking the small puppet/marionette doll from the counter shelf as he walked towards him "Oh come on! i can't win this stupid game!" Bryan said frustated "Here i saw you were playing alot of this game so you should have this" Afton said holding up the doll as Bryan looked at the doll and him

"Heh.. sorry mister my mom said that I shouldn't talk to strangers and take things from them"he said "But its just a doll? the thing that you shouldn't take things from strangers are probably candy"Bryan though twice but wanted the doll "U-Uhm..s-sure! it wouldn't hurt to take a doll i guess?.." he said taking the doll from him as Afton smiled

(Don't actually talk and take things from strangers guys! listen to your parents warnings!)

"I-I have to go to the bathroom"Bryan said walking to the bathroom as soon as Bryan closed the doors which led to the bathroom Afton followed, Bryan put the doll at the sink as he soon saw Afton he looked at him confused "Uhhm.. you need anything mister?.."he asked uncomfortable as Afton pulled out a knife which caused Bryan to back away

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