• I Always Come Back.. •

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Gizzy's POV
I woke up from charging but soon got confused, the place looked like a whole wreck.. i jumped down the stage looking around for the others but they weren't there, i decided to go to Pirates Cove since i did hear some mumbling i opened the curtain to see Jon staring off into the distance, i looked confused "What happened here? and where's Kay and Bryan?" i asked, he snapped his attention to me

"... He's back.."Jon mumbled as i looked confused until my face suddenly went to realization "Wait.. then where's Kay and Bryan if he's back?!"i asked, i walked in on pirate's cove sitting down next to him "Well.. i guess i have to explain everything from the start.."he sighed

• Flashbacks•

Kay's POV
I soon went online from getting charged, i looked around to see the others were still charging but Bryan and Me, he skipped towards me holding the puppet/marionette doll in his hand "Hey Kay? wanna go and play with the bunnies with me while the others are still charging?"He asked as i nodded, he smiled as we walked towards the bunnies play pent but.. the door was open and the bunnies were slightly gone "What the? Why is this open? did you open it Bryan?"i asked

"No I didn't, somebody must've freed the bunnies.."he sighed "Well i guess lets go look for them?"i asked, he nodded "Let's go to the kitchen, they might've been hungry"i said, we walked to the kitchen to see it was a wreck and saw the bunnies at the counter getting some carrots "Should've expected this to happen"i said as i walked towards the basket of carrots

Bryan walked towards the counter where a baby bunny trying to get freed from a big bowl, i took the bunnies to the play pent and soon let them eat the carrots "AHHH!!"i heard a scream from the kitchen, my eyes widened as i ran towards the kitchen to see Bryan on the ground.. he had oil going around him he's face was almost going to get ripped off..

"BRYAN?!"i ran towards him in a rush but as soon as i got inside the room something hit me from the back, i looked at my back to it was.. Afton.. my eyes widened in fear as he kept hitting me with his axe until i went offline..

Jon's POV
I was woken up by the sudden scream as i ran towards the kitchen where it came from but didn't go past the door making sure it wasn't a trap but.. the scene infront of me was.. gruesome i backed away.. Kay and Bryan laid at the kitchen broken.. i ran to pirates cove hiding from who i know was behind it.. Afton..

• End of Flashback •

Gizzy's POV
I looked shocked.. he's back and already gotten Bryan and Kay.. "I.. wouldn't he soon find us in here though?.."i asked as he nodded "He will.. he's going to come here heck he might even be outside Pirates Cove right now waiting for us to come out.."he said, we both stayed silent.. for once this was very unexpected.. we didn't expect for him to be here at this moment of time after 5 years of being trapped in these animatronics.. but i was wrong..

"Come on show yourself.."i heard a voice said.. it was Afton i know that.. both me and Jon looked at each other "Attack or Hide?"Jon asked "Attack.."we both nodded as Jon readied himself to stab someone in the heart by his hook, we both stood up slowly opening the curtains, there stood infront of us.. William Afton.. the murderer that still wasn't rotting in jail..

"Well well well, if it isn't the dead kids.." he mocked as both me and Jon ran to him attacking him but him dodging, he pulled out an axe and hit me with it which i fell down, soon he hit me with it over and over again the last thing i probably saw before going off line was.. Jon falling down beside me..

*I am being so confused with the Fnaf Timeline.. and I don't even know if Foxy or Mangle were to be the one who did the bite of 87.. IM SO CONFUSED!!*

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