
683 13 3

11:25 PM

Laika Jane Ramos

Thanks for having me, Vi!

Nope, it's thanks to you.
I get to celebrate my birthday with James.

Nah, don't mention it.

Hahaha. Right.

Are you guys back together?
Am I going to be your third-wheel again? :((

Lol. I don't think so.
Santi really thought I called him because of dad.
He forgot today's my birthday.

Hey, don't be sad.
Santi's really like that.
He usually forgets things you know.

That's just sad.
I want him to remember us.

Shkshkshk. That's just... insane, Vi.
I'm sorry.
but you had fun with him? No?

Duh? Of course it's him! I could never frown when I'm with him. He's so nice, fun and comf to be with.

You look so sweet kanina. I really thought something's happening. Lol.

You know
I'm still in love with him, Lai.
I know it's my fault.
I fucked up.
But it's still him.
What can I do?

Come on, stop lurking over the past.
You said it yourself,
You'll win him again.

I hope so, too, Lai.
I promise, I'll do everything to make up for the time I lost because of a mistake.

Cheer up, Liv!
We are haywired to make mistakes.
Forgive yourself.
I'm always here for you.

Thanks, Jane.
Love you.

Happy birthday, again!
Love you always girl.

Smitten LilyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon