Chapter 2

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I jolted upright in bed, gasping, and touching myself all over my whole body checking if it had been really a dream what just had happen. When I was convince that indeed it had been a dream I fell back on my bed, with a gasp of relief.

Not again

I was seating now on the edge of my bed and I was looking at myself in the mirror in front of me. I could see my short black hair standing up in a weird way and weird angles, and how my cat ears were camouflaging themselves between all of it. My tiring eyes still showed their glow of life, especially my blue eye, it looks like the ocean in a sunny day, so many people had told me when I was still a prisoner on that place. I was really tired, but magically I forced myself to stand up from my bed. I brush my hair, ears, and tail and put on my school uniform and my black beanie that cover my cat ears. I can make them disappear but sometimes I lose control and they pop out so I use this as precaution and I use my tail as a belt.

Be good, don't forget what you are, act normal, and have fun, those were the words my father had told me after he had let me go to school for the first time, but when he let me stay in a school with dorms he had said to not attract to much attention to myself and to not, absolutely not, fall in love with a human because there is no future for me and him. Of course not, no human will accept someone like me. And if they did, well then there's something wrong with them, "Even if they did accept you, how would you explain to them why you are how you are," that question has been in my head since i turn 14, when me and my father were arguing about letting me go to school and make some friends... I didn't know how to answer that question back then... not even today. UGGHHH!! Why is it so hard to be me!?

Been part of a species that is about to extinct is not really a good experience, its lonely and really tiring. Having to run away and always looking for a hideout is not that simple. But been a female is dangerous. You need to hide by every male of the world, you cannot be catch by those who want to produce more of the race (basically you need to be invisible to the world) and that's basically my situation right now. I'm a female of a race that's about to extinct, Hybrid-childes (or so they call us), creatures that are half animal and half human.

A.G.T (Alien Genetic Technology) was where I was born and raise my first 12 years of life along with others like me, and it wasn't pretty fun growing there. Inside that place at the age of 6 they tell us the truth about our existence; that we were not created in labs or from some of the government crazy Scientifics and later on use for war (or something close to it). No. we were born naturally like this, by some mutation in our blood or some 'Human evolution' like some of the Scientific's had called us while studding our DNA. The first time Hybrid-Childes were discover was in 1935, in the rain forest of South America, while two scientist, two solder, and a ecologies were checking the area after multiple calls of campiest saying that they had seen unusual animals in the forest, and multiple things and people missing after one night. The people who were assign by unknown forces had inform that after a night they had found a bird nest bigger than usual, it had the size of a 10 year old, and that there were feathers as well bigger than usual birds size. Then after traveling even deeper in the forest, were no one had gone too, there they found different size of flowers that a baby, a kid, a teenager, or even an adult could easily fit in! This instead of scarring them, it made them curios of the new discovery, and they travel even further in. What they found was something they could had never imagine, up in the trees , in the ground, or in the sky there were creatures that look like humans but some with wings, others with claws and tails, or with ears of animal kind! And yet, nothing of this had scared them off, it had made them even more curious about our kind; how we got there, how we act, what our traditions or behaviors were, etc. And over time without us knowing, they had enslaved and killed many of us, plus they took our lands.

And while time passed we started to disappear, but in reality we were just been killed more frequently. Why? Well, because my species was sent to fight World War II in 1939-1945 and 33% of "the fallen" in those years were us Hybrid-child's and we didn't even get the credit! But when we rebel against them, many more of us died, making us a race in danger of extinction, which only the governments knew about. The scientists that race me always and I mean ALWAYS reminded us that if we didn't want to die we should never, EVER rebelled against them. But that didn't stop me from doing it, I always challenged them to fight me, or insulted them, or constantly ran away from them, or not even listen to them at all, actually I even got to fight several of them multiple times, and thanks to my feline reflexes I was able to escape and as well thanks to the help of Dr. Martinez who always took care of me and other Hybrid-Childs.

Before the night that he helped me and other escape he had warn us that outside the world we couldn't trust no one, that we should not attract too much attention, and to never revel what we really were, "change your name, your appearance, and hide! Remember, they're always searching" he had told all of us while he had let us out of our cages, yes cages, we didn't sleep in separate rooms and in a comfy bed, no, we slept in cold cages with no blankets or pillows, just with our thin lab clothes.

And with that same thin lab clothes I had to sleep on the streets for days, weeks and maybe even months. But one night when I was looking for food on the trash cans, a woman with beautiful brown hair, light skein, light-brown eyes, and a sweet smile, peek me up from the streets and took me to her house. When we had arrived I couldn't believe my eyes, the same man that helped me escape was standing right in the entrance of the house that had become my new home.i

Now 4 years later you see me here attending and living on the dorms of an all-boy high school, and I'm living a normal life, or at least as normal as I can.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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