Chapter 1- It's only a game

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Phil closed his laptop after his liveshow was finished. He tucked it under his arm and walked to the kitchen, it was warm against his body as he'd been using it for a long time. It was just gone 8pm on a friday night and he was hungry having spent the whole day editing a new video with Dan. He lifted his glasses to rub his eyes. He saw stars and orbs as he opened them again. It always fascinated him as to why eyes did that.

Dan was in the kitchen stood by the sink drying the dishes. He looked up as Phil walked into the room, still dazed from rubbing his eyes and carrying his laptop.  "Oh hi.. i thought you were doing a liveshow?" He asked with a look of confusion as he noticed Phil looking disorientated.
"I've done it, it's 8 o'clock Dan" Phil smiled, crouching down to look in the cupboard. His knees cracked as he bore his weight onto them.
"I'm getting old, get my slippers and walking stick!" he mimicked, rubbing his knee.
Dan looked at him and chuckled as he put the cutlery away in the drawer.
"Phil, you're 27"
Phil grinned back at him and looked back at the cupboard. He placed a jar of pasta sauce on the side, though he was careful not to put it too near to the edge like he did a few nights ago, that resulted in disaster. He was still finding sauce in every crevice of the kitchen despite him and Dan scrubbing the floor until they could practically see themselves in the sparkling tiles.
"Is bolognese ok?"
He looked up at Dan who was leant across the counter reading a notification on his phone.
He asked again, glaring at him over his glasses comically.
"Wha.. Oh, yeah, just don't knock it off this time for christ sake!"
He studied Phil's face for a few seconds.
"You look like Anne Robinson when you do that"
Phil looked at him vacantly for a moment. He then realised what Dan had said and looked over his glasses in imitation of the weakest link presenter
"Daniel you are the weakest link, goodbye".
"You're such an idiot" He chuckled shaking his head as he folded up the tea towel. 

The best part about living with Phil was his amazing personality. His quirky, fun, childish ways made it hard for Dan to ever get annoyed with him. The only thing they ever had arguments about was the fact that Phil always ate Dan's cereal, though he would forgive him instantly as it was hard not to. Phil understood Dan like nobody had done before, they shared so many interests that their personalities barely ever clashed. They truly were the best of friends.

Phil began to cook the food as Dan stood next to him on Phil's laptop playing Youtube videos. He poured the bolognese sauce over the browned mince meat. It sizzled with the change in temperature and he quickly stirred it. Steam rose from the pan making his glasses fog up. He looked at Dan and giggled. Dan shook his head at his friend, Phil was so easily amused. A few minutes later and the food was ready.
Phil scooped the stringy pasta from the pan and into the bowls. He then put the bolognese over the pasta neatly.
Dan looked over his shoulder and watched as he carefully emptied the sauce out of the pan.
"Delia would be proud"
he said, nodding in approval at the presentation of the food. 
Phil grinned happily and picked up his bowl and went into the lounge as Dan followed behind him.

Dan plugged Phil's laptop into the speaker and found a playlist to listen to. They both loved the new Fall Out Boy album and Phil's eyes lit up as he heard 'Jet Pack Blues' play. Having so much in common with each other made living together so easy. There were no arguments about which tv programme they were going to watch or what music they played, it was perfect.
Dan sat back on the sofa in his usual crease which had the perfect indentation of his body making it immensely comfortable. He twirled the pasta around on his fork, though it slid off each time and landed in a coiled arrangement on his plate. After several attempts he grew frustrated and shoved the food into his mouth with his spoon and fork, red sauce covering his mouth.
"You alright there?" Phil smirked as he rested the cutlery against the edge of his bowl.
" pasta skills are still in progress" He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. Phil rolled his eyes and signalled to the piece of kitchen towel folded up on the arm of the chair, Dan picked it up.
"Oh, i forgot to get drinks. I was gonna have some wine, do you want some?" Dan asked as he began to get up.
"Ooh, fancy! Yeah it's nearly the weekend why not!"
He carried on twirling the pasta around his fork expertly as Dan went to fetch the glasses.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2015 ⏰

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