Chapter 13: princess

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Chapter 13: princess

I don't own fablehaven

Kendra's POV

I flicked the lights off. The room was now dimly lit. Due to my fairykind ability of being able to see through the dark, I never got to have the pitch black. But hey, I'm not complaining.

I looked over to where Bracken stood fumbling around with the popcorn machine. It was the real kind they had at movie theaters, and it made the best popcorn I've ever tasted. I had offered to make the popcorn but Bracken had absolutely insisted on doing it. I rolled my eyes. He could be such a dork sometimes.

After plopping down on the couch, I turned the tv on. I set it up and the home screen was shown, asking to be played. I smiled. We'd be watching one of my favorites and a classic: Tangled.

The sweet buttery smell filled the air and Bracken was grinning triumphantly. The old machine clacked noisily and the large interrogation-style light kept flickering. An idea popped into my head.

"Hey, hit the dimmer or something, it's shining like a lighthouse."

I put my hand over my eyes. Bracken turned around. He had an 'I can't believe you' face on. I grinned and batted my eyelashes.

He folded his arms. "Don't you know it's rude to make fun of someone's social skills," Bracken said as he started scooping the popcorn into a large bowl.

"Me? Why would I ever do that?"

Bracken let out a hmmph before sitting next to me and wrapping his arm around my shoulder. He set the popcorn on the left side—the side I wasn't on. "Bad choices don't reap rewards."

Goodness, I couldn't believe him sometimes. "Well," I said, snuggling into his side, "I guess I'll just starve."

Bracken rolled his eyes, a habit he had picked up from me. Nice to know I could still affect him. I decided I shouldn't let him hang out with Seth too much.

I picked up the remote and pressed play. Flynn Rider's voice came through and I mouthed the words along with him.

I settled back in as Bracken looked at me questioning what we were watching and why I knew the exact lines. He should have known by now that the movies I liked differed from the short selection from his dungeon days, and that when I got into something, I got into it.

Bracken seemed to have just given up on trying to understand me at all. He didn't speak a word after that.

As the movie progressed, Bracken was staring more intently at the screen. I could practically see the gears turning in his brain.

When the credits rolled down the screen, after I had found a way to sneak popcorn and was quite enjoying myself, Bracken opened his mouth to say something, but I interrupted him. "Don't you dare ruin this movie for me."

He put his hands up in defense. It hadn't helped that during the last movie we had watched, Aladdin, he had pointed out every flaw and unraveled the entire plot.

"How does doing all that swinging and pulling not hurt her?" He asked. "And What about her name? If her parents named her Rapunzel, why didn't Mother Gothel change it in case she did get out of the tower? Or if she did change it, then it must've been confusing when she was reunited with her parents."

"Bracken, that's not the point. You realize this movie is made for like seven-year-old girls?"

"Well yes, that's the other thing..." I tuned him out. As much as I loved hearing about the average life span of a chameleon, I was done with this.

Bracken continued to blubber away as I stole more popcorn. He was really losing his touch.

"Are you done yet?" I asked. Watching princess movies happened to be more fun with Seth. He was still facing forward when he looked at me through the corner of his eye. He noticed my hand. Darn it.

"Well, I could go on all day but it seemed someone else has other ideas." He motioned to the bowl. I tossed a piece at his face. It bounced off and landed in his lap. He raised his eyebrows.

This time, he grabbed some pieces of popcorn, and instead of throwing them at me, he stuffed them in my hair, slipping them under my braid. My hair smelled really good but it was covered in salt and butter.

A piece slid down and roomed with my eyelashes. I pinched it, still closing the eye.

"Excuse me?"

He grinned sheepishly. This meant war.

He seemed to notice my discomfort, so he gave my shoulder a squeeze. "Sorry. I'll try to meet up to your standards."

I swatted him. This was way past apologizes.

I snatched the bowl and dumped it on his head. He was wearing it like a hat as the half-full contents came raining down and sticking in his clothes.

He popped one in his mouth. Sicko.

"You're adorable when your angry," he told me. His "hat" clattered against his head.

"I'm not angry, I'm merely disappointed."

He snorted. "That's not what that looked like to me."

I started picking pieces out of my hair which was now ruined. I'd have to re-do the braid. Grrrr. I collected the pieces in my palm, and when I had a full Arsenal ready, threw them. He batted them away with his hands. It was like a mixed-up baseball game. This wouldn't do. He'd need a bat. I glanced around the room. The remote should do. I handed it to him. The popcorn was soon gone.

I plopped down on the couch again with him following just after.

We sat there for a few moments longer before he surprised me.

"Kendra, you know you're my princess."



"Stop be cheesy."


*Alright guys I am PUMPED for this! Jaylalovesreading is one of the coolest cats around and one of my personal favorites, she's just epicly awesomely super amazing!

So, in order for me to not overload myself with too many projects, this is gonna take the place of Another day of Sun, so don't be expecting updates from there for a little bit. Also I've only ever written in first person twice but I really really wanted to keep it semi-close to the first part. And it's good practice so it's a win-win situation. Advice wanted and welcomed!*

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