I'm a thirteen year old girl who is in love with fablehaven, is a member Of then church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, has 4 brothers and 1 sister, has a twin brother, has way to much time on her hands, and basically devours any book she can get her hands on. 
Also on FFnet-Yakall and tumblr-0ykal- 0yakall
Also I've deleted some of my stuff because I need a good fresh start with writing on here.
Background image by @candlemouse
  • Fangirling somewhere
  • Дата регистрацииJune 8, 2019

Последнее сообщение
Yakall Yakall Oct 01, 2020 02:24PM
It’s October! And that means fictobers around, too! I’m starting it off and you can find it as “we are gonna be friends”. 
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Истории от Yakall
Jinxed  от Yakall
A mysterious plague of madness washed over Fablehaven. No outside help. No cure. And they have no idea how t...
A Brackendra Story (Part 2) от Yakall
A Brackendra Story (Part 2)
Adopted from Jaylalovesreading. Kendra is 18 and she continues to cherish every moment she has with Bracken...
We are gonna be friends от Yakall
We are gonna be friends
Oneshots and shorts written for Fictober 2020! First 4 chapters focused on strange characters, but the rest a...
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