Wind Clan

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Vampires: Wind Clan

Zepour's opened her eyes just in time to see the last rays of the sun falling behind the trees. She liked to wake at this minute in time. She couldn't go outside in the killing rays of the sun, but for just a few minutes she could look at them. The warmth filled her, the sky lite up with colors, she could never mix. Zep wanted to hold on to this image forever. She reached for her camera, like every morning. Later she would try once again to paint this beautiful sight.

After the light was gone, Zep closed her eyes and "felt" to see if anyone else in the house was up. Hey older brother was still in bed, not surprising. She mentally rolled her eyes. Her mother was in the kitchen fixing food, and yes some vampires do eat.
Zep's father was getting ready to leave; she heard there would be a counsel meeting, strange. He was part of a counsel in vampire affairs. In the last 100 years the vampire clans have came together, something that before that seemed imposable.

While getting dressed she wondered what the night would bring. She had school work to do. She took some night courses, at the local Jr. College. After class she was going to meet her best friend at the all night coffee bar. That could bring about any number of possibilities. Kari, Zep's best friend was what her name meant, a gust of wind. She is totally unpredictable, it drove their parents crazy. She didn't normally do anything dangerous or harmful, just odd.

They where born into the Wind Clan and could control air. Being able to move, or fly as fast as wind was awesome. A year ago Kari had wanted to go a concert in Paris, so after begging and having to take a body guard, they got to go. . It had been great, until Kari had decided to come home, to the US, by way of Bangladesh. They had to dig holes in the woods, their body guards where pissed, not the mention what the parents had said. Even her brother had taken a turn yelling. He got to say out all the time, but they take a side trip, and they couldn't be out of the house together for months. That had been bad. Zep's dad still looked at Kari odd.

She quickly looked at her watch, she had to fly. Class started in 20 minutes that gave her time to get a good seat. She was studying art history. She knew she would probably never use it, but she loved to paint, and was fascinated by other artist lives. Her live as a female vampire was kind of mapped out. Luckily she had been born after the counsel formed or her choices would be very different.

In the 21 century female where allowed higher education, at her age she would have found her mate and having little vampire babies. That she wasn't ready for. Zep didn't date, she liked school and took it seriously. She didn't make time for dating. Nortus was an exception; she would make time for him.

Just as she was thinking his name, said male walked into the room. Notus was her brother's best friend, and Zep had a huge crush on him.

"Hello, good evening," Notus is a large male breed for size and fighting. It was a joke, but it was also true. Vampire clans mated their young for genetics. Notus' father is a prime fighter, meaning he fights on the front lines. He's mother taught the young female fights, new recruits. Both are well build Vamps.

Without so much as looking at Zep, Notus reached down and picked up her glass. Drinking his fill he set it back down. Notus grinned at her mother. Both knew the old tradition of drinking from a female's cup, a proposal of love and mating. The love part only some of the time, but it did indicate deep feelings.

Zep didn't know this or she would be more shocked. She just thought how rude he was becoming.

"Why do you always take over the second you walk into a room?" Zep wished he would leave her alone. The more she was around him the harder it was to act normal, whatever that was.

"I don't know." He shrugged at her.

"Why are you here anyway, it's a little early for my brother to be up." He never seemed tired, even through he was out with her brother late nights.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2015 ⏰

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