when i met him

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It was a sunny day when I met him , we were around ten , we were at the local park and he had just moved into his new house. We were on the swings for hours just trying to swing higher than each other. It was so much fun , it hurt the day after though.

Did i mention his parents were the nicest people ever and the day we invited them over was one of the most memorable nights ever. It was James , Mary his mother , Richard his dad and James' sister Taylor. That was their family and ah they were just perfect. We all had the best time ever , I don't even know how to describe it but I knew that that night I had made two new friends.

We spent the night eating BBQ food and blasting Taylor swift off our speakers in the garden while pur parents laughed and watched. We all, after knowing each other less than seven hours , booked Taylor swift tickets. It was going to be the best night of our lives , if our parents had let us go anyway.

A few years later

James and I grew closer as the years passed and we ended up dating. We were the favorite couple in school and people were always saying how they thought we were going to get married , we were like that Taylor swift song "Love Story". We pretty much met at our own ball (well a park) lost each other for a couple of hours then found each other again. It was our own love story in the shape of a song. It was perfect.

The month was May and I had just gotten into an adventure camp program , it was going to be so much fun I was going to get paid to teach kids to camp and explore. This was what I had been wanting to do and I couldn't wait to go ahead and help out. My parents were so happy fir me and I just couldn't wait to go. The only thing stopping me was James , he was my everything and I didn't want to leave him here in the boring town. There was nothing to do here already and I knew he would be bored for the month I was going to be gone. If he loved me he would let me go , we would be together soon anyway.

He didn't seem to mind , maybe that was the first sign I don't know. I'm not really sure about what happened yet but we ain't there yet.

The day I left for camp was bittersweet , I was leaving my everything (James) but I was leaving for something that meant a lot to me. I wish he had shown he cared a bit more.

I arrived at camp and I had the best time ever but this isn't about that. Let's skip to what was happening back home and let me tell you , it was a lot.


James and Eliza were friends at least that's what I thought. Apparently Eliza likes stealing what's not hers but we ain't talking about that are we 😊. Eliza , the day I left town , decided that James was fair play and that she would make him her boy toy. James didn't say no though. That hurt , he went with her in that car and went with her to the back of the mall. Where she parked her car and yeah........

You know what happened-

When I got back to town James acted like he didn't cheat and I didn't even know at the time that he did. We spent the whole rest if the summer having a good time. I didn't see much if James if I'm honest , he told me he was busy with his family which was what he had been saying a lot. I decided to ask Taylor and she said he was just acting different and that he wasn't home when he told me he was. She hugged me and said sorry. I didn't understand what she was apologizing for until a few weeks later.

We went back to school and things didn't seem to change. I think I was beginning to seem distant from James , I wasn't sure if I trusted him no more. He had lied about being with his family all summer and hadn't told me what he had done during the time I was at camp.  We went a few weeks just having fun and in love but it always felt like James was distracted.

It was during maths that

Betty blanks James

Betty throws a summer party.

James shows up

I still can't find it in my heart to believe it was just a summer thing......I loved him so much. Then he c h e a t e d-
I generally can't , I'm so thankful to Inez for telling me. People may think she's  a horrible person but she's the best person ever in my opinion. She just says the truth and people just don't like that. I'm honestly thankful she's my friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2020 ⏰

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