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"The Gods, bored with all their power, and longing for something new, decided to create the universe. And they decided to fill this universe with worlds and populated the worlds with men, crafted in Their own image. For this was made the first Titan, created with the sole purpose of building these worlds as to the Gods will." – Unknown

The road was winding around the houses of my village, I walked and watched as a few of my neighbors spied through small cracks in their windows. It was like they were afraid to be noticed. I had no idea what they were hiding from, apart from my muddy clothes I looked like a normal traveler, the years since I left did change me but not enough for them not to recognize me. It was not the return home I hoped for, and this was not the bustling, lively village I left. But I looked onward to my destination, my home, my parents, everything was so close. I could not wait to tell my mother about the city, and my father about my adventure inside the immense Titan. I reached the gate that bordered our small patch of land. It was nothing too spectacular, a couple of patches of vegetables, a small barn housing a cow, and our cottage in the back overlooking the village from a small hill that used to grow grain. I always felt like living in a castle on top of the hill while growing up, this was before visiting the city with its high walls and large manors. Now, our glorious cottage is left just that in my eye, a cottage. I looked upon the gardens and noticed all the plants had withered, my castle on a hill was a rundown shack. I approached the door, and as I reached to open it, I could hear grunts and moaning from the inside. I feared the worst and rushed in, looking around there was no sight of my parents, only two scrawny-looking men with thorn clothes and muddy bare feet sleeping on the floor next to the kitchen table. The house smelled of cheap booze and burnt food. I moved closer and kicked one of the men in the sole of his foot.

"Wake up, you bum!" I yelled.

He got up on one knee, dazed and confused by my presence, then fell into the chair next to the table.

"What do you want, kid?" he asked after rubbing his face with both hands.

"Who are you? Where are my parents?" My eyes got wider, and I could feel worried and anger rushing in at the same time.

"I'm thirsty... Hey, you should find another place to sleep. This place is ours!"

"What do you mean, your place? This is my family's house! What are you doing here?"

"Well... We live here."

"What happened to my parents? The people that lived here before?"

"Oh... the old guy and the lady? They died I think..."

I felt sorrow overwhelm me and before he could finish his sentence, I cut him off... "What do you mean dead? When? How?"

"Well..." he was now interrupted by his now awake partner.

"They're not dead, you oaf! They left with those soldiers when they came through town."

I turned to him with new hope in my eyes "Tell me all you know!"

"Pass me that tankard." he pointed to the table and a cracked wooden tankard. "My throat is parched."

I reach for the foul-smelling tankard and hand it to the thirsty man, eagerly waiting for him to drink and tell me what he knows. The man took a large gulp of the liquid and then proceeded to wipe off his mustache with his forearm.

"Now... that's much better..." he started while clearing his throat. "It was just after the quakes started getting worse, me and my buddy there were minding our own business down by the market well when this shiny well-armed soldier strutted into town on his high horse, together with a bunch of militia men on foot. He stopped for a few minutes to speak with the smith, maybe he needed new horseshoes, I don't know..."

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