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How exactly did I get myself into this mess. I guess my management kind of forced me into it, but I didn't have to say yes. I'm currently sitting at a desk opposite a man who I've never met before in my life. A man who is willing to pay me money to 'pretend to date' the one and only - Tom Abisgold. I never thought I'd be dating anyone just to boost my career. Who actually gets paid to date anyone? Apparently I'm doing this to 'rekindle their fame'.

I like their music, I guess, from what I've heard it's alright. I've never met him though, and now I'm gonna be going around fooling millions of teenager girls into thinking I'm dating the famous lead singer of Chapter 13. Why did I get myself into this mess? What are my family going to think as well, they always hated this side of my fame and I got myself into one of the biggest PR stunts. It's gonna be in all the headlines y/n l/n dating Tom Abisgold. It's not that I even need the money; I don't know why I'm doing this. All these regrets are flooding into my head.

"So you'll be meeting Tom right after this just to sort some things out." I snap out of my headspace as Chapter 13's manager started talking to me. "We've got you a hotel to stay in for the next couple nights and anything you need just ask."

"That sounds nice, thank you." This all feels so surreal, I'm not entirely sure how to react.

"So are you ready to meet Tom now?" He asks as he gets his stuff together.

I look at him worried about the question, "Umm now? I thought we weren't meeting until next week." I say a little too fast, 

"That was the plan but some stuff got cancelled so he ended up being free today and we thought it will be easier to meet now while you're already here." He finishes getting his stuff together looks at me then repeats, "So you ready to meet Tom?"

"As ready as I'll ever be, I guess." I stand up and wait for Tom's manager to lead the way. Here goes nothing I guess. We walk down to the car and end up having a very awkward car journey as neither of us end up saying anything, and there was no music to block out the silence.

"I have to warn you before we go in," Tom's manager says as we are almost there. "Tom isn't exactly the most keen about the whole idea."

"Oh okay," I reply, "I thought-"

"Oh don't worry," He says cutting me off, I am still slightly unsure of what he's name is, but he continued to say, "He will be slightly cold towards you at first, but don't worry, he'll be over it soon enough."

Great if that didn't just make this a lot harder to do...

We get out of the car and walk into an incredible expensive restaurant and I can see Tom already sitting there waiting, he looks up from his phone, very unpleased to see us, or me at least.

"Hey Fletch," Tom says, so that's his name. His gaze shifts towards mine as he coldly says, "Y/n, I'm guessing?"

"Yeah," I say, but by the time I've said it his gaze is already back at his phone.

"Great so you're introduced," Fletch says, "So things will start off slow, by you like tweeting each other and all that, then you'll start to be seen together by going on dates and actually spending time together, and looking like you're actually having fun." Fletch looks at Tom but he's still looking down at his phone. "Okay, Tom?" 

"Yeah, okay. I'm listening. It's not like you're actually giving me a choice anyway," Tom said as he actually looked up from his phone for once. 

"Don't forget it's because of what you did, we're doing this." 

"You won't let me forget," Tom replies, as he rolls his eyes.

"So after that," Fletch continues, " You'll announce you're finally dating. But for this to actually work you need to at least put up with each other and make it seem like you're in love."

"Got it," Tom and I both say in unison.

I don't know how this is going to work, when Tom doesn't even look at me half the time. I immediately regret agreeing to do this, as there is no way we are gonna be able to make this believable. From what I've heard about Tom, is that he doesn't have the best reputation anymore after what he did. Which is why I'm here pretending to be his girlfriend so he doesn't take his band down with him, and people hopefully forget about it. 

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