Chapter One

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"Hello this is Susan Meredith from the BBC World Service . May I speak to Antonio Suarez  please ? "

He slammed the phone down with such force that it broke

He was pacing up and down at his private residence which he had relocated for a bit to clear his head

The world now knew about his affair with the lawyer Rachel Yu

Marianne , his wife as soon as she caught wind of the affair moved out in the dead of night under the cover of darkness with their daughter Antoinette to a 🏠 out in the country

For months he had been trying to get her but no answer from her

Meanwhile at the house in the country Antoinette was adjusting to her new life

Marianne: Antoinette get ready for school

Antoinette had already had a quick bath and was in the process of doing her hair up in a ponytail when she heard this .

She grabbed her👜 and came running down the stairs

"When are we gonna talk about he who must not be named and that woman?" Antoinette queried warily

"Eat your sandwich before it gets cold "

Antoinette could see the hurt in her mom's eyes as much as she tried to hide it

She hurriedly ate the 🥪 and drank the ☕

"Leave it I'll deal with it "

A car horn honked outside

Antoinette looked at her mom

Marianne : It's your ride . Hurry up , brush your teeth and head out

She kissed her mom ,went to the bathroom and brushed her teeth and ran outside to see the 🚙 waiting for her

Antoinette arrived right on time

Nervously she stepped out then slammed the door shut

Dressed in a 👗 and 👡👡 with a 👜 it was hard for her not to stand out

A few snickered as she walked through the hallway

She paid them no mind

As Antoinette was busy throwing a piece of paper in the 🗑️ she felt someone tap her on the shoulder

Turning around she turns to see a familiar face

He is clothed in full leather , his hair is black and he has beautiful brown eyes

It was her friend from primary school Marcus Henry .

Years had passed since had last seen each other .

Marcus: Hello Antoinette. It's so nice to see you again . You look even more gorgeous than on Instagram.

As she was about to respond the bell rang and they quickly exchanged numbers as they went to class together walking hand in hand .

Swift  Adventist Academy had a long history of graduates who had become  leaders in the society including Prime Ministers,business people and judges.

This was constantly drilled into the head of the students.

Excellence was expected .

"Antoinette Harrison stop daydreaming and pay attention" Mr Marks yelled at her as she stared out the window

She quickly took out her 📒 and began to do the work that was on the board

As Antoinette was doing the work along with the students Mr Marks said suddenly "I am going outside for a bit to talk to someone"

With that he walked out the room to talk to a man who was dressed in a 👔,👖 and👞👞 with a 💼 in his hand

"Is Antoinette here ?"

Her ears perked up when she heard this as the voice belonged to none other than Antonio Suarez her father and the last person on earth that she wanted to see at this moment

"Mr Prime Minister she is inside but doing her work at this moment "

Mr Marks was trembling quite nervously when he said this

Antonio : I need to speak with my daughter .

Just then Antoinette appears ,hand on hips and yells out "I have nothing to say to you "

"Wait young lady "

By the time he says this Antoinette is far gone

He sighs

Mr Marks: Care to tell me what's going on ? I'm asking as a friend not as your daughter's teacher .

Antonio: I had an affair and now my wife has moved out and now as you can see Antoinette hates my guts .

Mr Marks: It's quite understandable. You did cheat on her mom . Speaking of which how's Marianne?

Antonio: Well she hasn't been answering so I have no idea.

Just then his phone beeps there is a text appears on his  📱

"Thank God !!" He exclaims

It's a message from Marianne from whom he had not heard in months

Meet me at the bridge in an hour

Don't be late

"Sounds ominous but I'll take my chances "

Antonio hugs his friend and heads off to the 🏟️ to watch a game .

After the game he looks at his watch .

It is 2:30 he jumps in a taxi and heads to the 🌉

Marianne spots the car and smiles nervously

The Prime Minister gets out the car and hands the driver a hundred dollar note

The taxi then drives off in a hurry

Antonio: Here am I

Marianne: I want a divorce.

Antonio is flabbergasted to the point that he is unable to say anything .

"Divorce?" He repeats the word as if he had not heard clearly

She nods .

Antonio: What about Antoinette our daughter?


The school day has ended

The car comes in the school yard and she says to Fabio
"Take me to the mall ."

"Sorry Miss Harrison no can do . I am under strict instructions. "

Antoinette gets in, rolling her eyes and glaring at Fabio who is very much unbothered at this behavior .


Upon arriving Antoinette opens the house door , heads in ,locks the door and heads to the kitchen

By now Marianne has arrived and is making 🍕 for dinner which is Antoinette's favorite

They both sit down at the table and eat to their heart's content

Around 10:00 Antoinette heads to bed after bathing, drying off and changing into a 👕 and 🧦 and jumps into her 🛏️ and falls asleep almost instantly

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