Ch 1 - The Beginning

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I moaned and groaned as I threw my legs over my bed and slapped the alarm clock. I lightly brushed my hair and threw on the first thing I found in my closet. Quietly like a mouse I snuck down stairs and opened the fridge.
"There is literally never something to eat.." I muttered and slammed the fridge a little too hard. Anna came rushing down the steps. She must have been sleeping since her hair was a bird's nest and she was only in a tank top and her underwear.
"What the hell?!" She screamed. I rolled my eyes and made myself some toast.
"It's only 7:00am!!" She continued as she ran over to me and snatched the bread from my hand.
"Oi!" I remarked as I took back my breakfast, "So? It's the first day of school and I want to be prepared, unlike you." Her eyes and widened. Before I could ask questions she ran to her bedroom. She must have forgotten. After eating it was time to get ready. I tip-toed upstairs and into my room. I took my favourite dress off the back of my desk chair and put it on. I slipped my feet into some black flats and my hands into black gloves, so I didn't let loose again.
"This time, I won't cover the school in ice." I said to myself and I stared at the mirror. HAIR. I ran into the bathroom and braided my bleach blonde hair. I laid it on my shoulder and applied some basic makeup before heading downstairs again. There was Anna, standing in her favourite band's t-shirt, denim jeans and converse. A cap laid on her head, it was even on backwards! Her orangish-brownish was tied up in a pony tail and her nerdy glasses rested on her nose. I smiled at her and she smiled back before we both grabbed our backpacks.
"Ready to go?" I asked. Anna nodded as I open out wooden door. The autumn breeze hit us like a bullet but before we knew it we were off to school.
I waved Anna goodbye as she walked to her section of the school. I looked up and stared at the school sign.
'Snowflake State Secondary Collage'
I glanced down at the door. I took a deep breath and pushed it open. Before I could enter, two kids singing along to 'Cosby Sweater' danced passed me. I rolled my eyes and went inside....
A/N: Sorry it's so short!! But I wanna get the start of this story out!! Expect more soon!! Bai!!!!

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