Love Ain't

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Majan walked into work looking really happy and peppy. she had her backpack full of her work stuff and then she had another smaller bag. she practically skipped all the way to the locker rooms. when she was done changing into her work uniform she walked into the kitchen with the biggest smile on her face.

"wow someone is happier than ever today!" Paul admitted the facts to everyone.

"yeah your grinning like the butchers Dog" Judd said with a chuckle witch only made marjan stair him down even more.

"yeah why so smiley?" Tk asked as he finished putting away the plates from when he washed the dishes earlier.

"I have a boyfriend now!" she exclaimed to her team.

"What's he like? What's his name? where did you guys meet?" tk asked all starry eyed.

"His name is Chad and hes really hot and funny and kind. we met at a hotel when I was visiting my little sister and her kids in Dallas we were both talking in the lobby before we both left and then we ran into each other again at the Walmart here and started talking again. as it turns out he lives here in Austin too. I think you'd like him Tk! he's really sweet and caring and god I just love him so much!" she said blushing like crazy. he was always drunk all the time when she got home from work and would rather hang out with other girls.

"how long have you been a thing?" Judd asked confused on all the girly gossip going on in the kitchen.

"about 2 months now. but it just became like a serious thing last nigh when he told me he loved me." just then the bell went off and they were called to duty.

they responded to a three car pile up on exit I-70 going East bound. there was so much smoke and one of the cars were on fire so bad that it felt like they were in a structure fire. Marjan and Tk and Mateo had been told to get the man inside the black Ford truck that had rolled out and taken over to EMS.

"Sir can you tell me your name?" Marjan called inside when they got over to the truck.

"Fred" he responded weekly

"My names Marjan. im with Austin Fire and these are my partners Mateo and Tk we are gonna get you out just hold still." she climbed up to the top of the truck to see if there was a place that she could get in. "Tk go get the Jaws and a battery powered saw." she ordered him.

"Fred can you tell me if anything hurts?" Mateo asked calmly.

"my arm and my shoulder." he answered weekly. Just then Tk got back with the Jaws of Life and the saw and started to cut the man out. they got him out and when Marjan went to jump down off the truck she slit her arm lightly on the edge of a peace of glass. she didn't notice for a wile until Mateo pointed it out to him.

"Majan your bleeding" Mateo pointed out. he has had a crazy crush on her for months now and he would hate to see something bad happen to her so he tries to protect her every time he sees an opening to. "it looks kinda bad you should go have Michelle look it over"

"thanks Probie. it's not that bad but i'll head over there now" she said shooting him a small smile.


"Chad im home!" she called in taking off her boots and dropping her keys into the bowl on the counter top.

"Hey baby!" he said walking into the Livingroom holding a beer bottle.

Marjan walked up to him and gave him a quick kiss before going to go get her close and a new hijab. she walked into the Livingroom when she was done and sat down on the couch. he walked in and grabbed her arms and pulled her off the couch.

"what is this?" he asked referring to the line of stitches that Michelle had placed on her arm from earlier today.

"oh that I cut my arm on a call. its no big deal. I did even realize it until Mateo pointed it out to me. and with that he had squashed her arm so tight that it was sure to leave a bruise.

"Who's Mateo?" he asked infuriated. at this point Marjan was terrified and she was not one to be scared easily.

"We work together hes one of my best friends. hell he is my best friend. hes my favorite person in the world. I love him." she knew she had sait to much when Chads grip tightened. Chad had had it at this point. he was done. he hauled off and punched her once in the mouth and the second time in the eye he grabbed hi keys and left. probably going to a hotel for the next couple of nights. its not like this is the first time that this had happened.

Marjan needed something to hide all of the pain. this had happened at lest 6 times before but that didn't mean that it didn't hurt her. she went to the kitchen and grabbed an aspirin from the bottle and the pulled out a glass. she got in the pantry on the wall and pulled out a bottle of whiskey. she needed a place to hide everything and some were to put all of her pain so no one at work could see it.

!!!!THE NEXT DAY!!!!!!

Marjan walked into the station looking joyful as always. despite everything else going on in her life right now she was happy to be here with her family. this was the moment of truth. if anyone asks will they buy any of her lies or will they know?

"Marjan what the hell happened to you?" Owen asked when she walked up the stair case.

"oh I was at the boxing gym last night." talking about her busted lip and black eye. no one could see the scratches or the marks on her arms thanks to the long sleeves that she was wearing.

"oh that's cool. I was there last night to. I went with tk and carlos. I didn't see you there?" he said raising an eyebrow. knowing that tk had told him about her new love interest.

"oh I went to one with my brother in San Antonio" she said as she brushed past him.


Marjan is sitting on a park bench in her new dress and heels. Chad left her. it was clear that he wasn't coming bad. she tried calling him but no answer. she had a tear roll down her cheek because she felt so stupid.

Mateo walked bye. he saw her and felt bad that she was sitting alone. he had the day off so he didn't see her all day. he walked over to her with a smile on his face.

"hey Marjan" he said.

"hey Mateo" she said with a smile."

but his smile dropped. she had a busted lip and a black eye. both of her arms had Bruises in the shape of hand prints. he sat down on the bench next to her.

"you ok" he asked. she looked up at him and quickly wiped away her tear.

"yeah im fine"

"Marjan who did this to you?"

"my boyfriend Chad. its fine though."

"No Marjan this isn't fine."

"he loves me Probie. so its fine. tuff love."

"this isn't love Marjan" Mateo grabbed her hand lightly "I don't know what love is but I know what it isn't and this isn't love. you know what I do know what love is after all. because I love you. next time i see Chad...." he said trailing off.

"I love you to 'Teo. but Chad doesn't even matter anymore. we aren't a thing. at least not anymore." she said looking down.

"can I replace him?" Mateo asked before he could even register what he was thinking.

she scooted closer to him and placed a gentle kiss on his lips. "of course you can 'Teo" she said intertwining there fingers as she placed her head on his shoulder. he kissed the top of her head as they sat there for the next hour just enjoying the view.

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