Chapter 1: The Big Move

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Jimmy and Carl where on the playground going down the slide, and once again, Carl got stuck in the slide because it was one of those tube slides, luckily, Jimmy had butter that she stocked away in her yogurt hair. "Oh no Carl, not again." Jimmy said as she scrambled through her hair to find the butter. "I'm sorry Jimmy, but I just can't stop eating croissants." Carl said as he started drooling just saying the word croissant. " It's ok Carl! You'll just get diabetes when you're older!" (that was a joke btw. I am sorry if it offended you) Jimmy proceeded to put the butter all over Carl. Then she grabbed Carl by his feet, and pulled! Carl slid out very easily, but, now Carl would have to head home and take a bath with his rubber duckies. "Welp, I will see you tomorrow Jimmy. I have to head home and take a bath now." Carl said as he started walking away. "Cya tomorrow Carl!"

Back at home things were quite normal. His mom was cooking dinner, his dad was watching the news, just the usual, but when dinner was finished, it got a little weird.... "So Jimmy did you have a good time with Carl?" Jimmy's mom asked. "Um yeah? We always do. Why'd you ask?" "Well..." Jimmy's mom said while looking around the room. "Jimmy. I know you love this studio and you have friends in this studio and a great school, but I was offered a great job at Warner Brothers. I'm gonna be a guard with some person named Ralph. I will be paid great amounts of money, so, it's not all bad...!" Jimmy's father said trying to make the best out of it. "W- what about carl!? He's my best friend!! How could you take me away from him!" Jimmy was so angry, but so sad at the same time. She then ran back to her room and huddled up into a ball under her covers. Jimmy's parents ran to her room to try to make things better, but Jimmy didn't wanna hear it, so they just wished her a goodnight and turned out the lights as Jimmy sobbed.

The next morning, it was Saturday. the first day of the weekend. Jimmy and Carl were all going to Sheen's house to play hide and seek, but a little more extreme and complex. As they all sat in a circle coming up with crazy rules, Jimmy knew this was the best time to tell them. "Omg Carl that's such a great idea!" Sheen said while laughing. The conversation dimmed down, so Jimmy made her move. "Oh yeah.... guys, I have something to tell you.." Jimmy said lowering her head. "What is it Jimmy?" Carl asked. Sheen and Carl then faced their heads towards Jimmy. "Well... my dad had a great job opportunity..." "Well that's great Jimmy! But why do you look so sad? do you have to move to another town?" Sheen asked. "No.." Jimmy said not finishing because she really didn't want to say it. "Well then what's wrong?" Carl asked raising an eyebrow. "I don't just have to move a town. I'm moving studios...." "WHAT?!?!" Carl and Sheen said at the same time. "Jimmy we're gonna miss you so much!!" Sheen exclaimed as all three got up to have a big group hug. "When are you moving?" Carl asked. "I'm not sure. Probably soon though..." "Well. Let's not waste time pouting. Let's have fun sniff." Sheen said while holding back tears. "G- good idea Sheen... SNIIIIIIIFFFFFFFFFF." Carl responded. They then all played hide and seek and became chickens with their heads cut off. I mean- they played hide and seek... hehe....

Finally. The day has come. Moving day. Jimmy went over to the playground to meet up with Carl and Sheen for the last time in a while. Even though Jimmy's family would be rich... most of the cash would be for bills on their new mansion. And tickets for a plane to go all the way to the other studio, was at least 2,000 dollars. That's how far away they would be. They all had some good last real life laughs that wouldn't be over phone, and then, it was 12pm. Jimmy had to go with his family so they could be at the airport at 1:30pm. "Welp, I have to go guys.." Jimmy said starting to tear up. "Me and Sheen are gonna call you every night so we can still have some fun. I wish my mom would get me a phone that had facetime though..." Carl said starting to frown. "Oh yeah that reminds me, I invented something for the two of you!" Jimmy said. "What is it?" asked Sheen. Jimmy handed both of them new ICroissants, the newest model too. "Wowo!! We can all video call now! thanks so much Jimmy!" Carl said in excitement. "I better get going now.. when I arrive at my new house I will call you and tell you all about the new studio!" "Sounds good Jimmy!" Carl responded. Then, off Jimmy went. She waved at Sheen and Carl and wiped a tear from her face, they did the same. Just like that, Jimmy was off to the airport. To a whole new world.

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