Once I entered the room all eyes were on me, Clarissa still hadn't returned and Jakob and William were sitting at the table where dinner was waiting. I took the seat next to William and ate with them. "So what was that about?" Jakob didn't even look up from his plate, his steak was basically raw and he had another gold goblet sitting next to his plate.
"They just wanted to know how well the advantages worked, apparently the man who created the sword wasn't sure if it would work and wanted personal feedback." I was shocked at how smoothly I had lied to him and to William. Once I had finished I went to my room and just sat there, my mind was still spinning about what I had done earlier. I wanted to tell William but the kings words rang in my head, I didn't know what would happen if I told him. I picked up the book about iomlán and began to study more, there was no mention of a bond but I knew the king was telling me the truth. I could feel William's presence outside the door. "You can come in William."
"How did you know it was me? I did't even knock yet." I smiled and invited him to sit down next to me.
"Part of my gift I guess, I could sense your presence. What's wrong?" I could feel his nerves.
"I was just worried about you, you seemed a little out of it when got back."
"I'm just jumpy I guess. I miss my family." I leaned my head on his shoulder and he wrapped an arm around me pulling me closer.
"I know you do, at least you will get to talk to them tomorrow." I smiled at little at the thought.
"It's not the same though. I saw them everyday before this and now..."
"What are they like?"
"Well Kara is insanely smart, she loves to paint and draw and knit. I always believed she would be able to get out of the slums because of her gifts. Evan is also crazy smart, he loves to read." I smiled at the thought of my family.
"It sounds nice. I never had anything like that, my parents didn't want any kids to begin with and the weren't the best caretakers." I leaned closer to him if that was possible. He rested his head on mine and for a quick moment we just enjoyed being close to each other. We pulled apart when we heard Clarissa in the main room along with some other voices we couldn't make out. "We should probably go see what is going on out there." I nodded and followed him out. When we got out the voices became a little clearer and I recognized them immediately, I rushed forward to see Kara and Evan sitting at the table eating while dad spoke to Clarissa.
"SARA" my siblings yelled once they realized I was there, I hugged them close once they had ran over to me. Dad came over and joined the hug too.
"I don't understand how are you guys here?" I had thought the family visit was canceled.
"Well Clarissa said it was a surprise, she came and picked us up today in one of the helicopters." Evan was so excited to explain what he had just experienced and then his words clicked together with something in my head in a way King Steven was going to make sure I did what he asked by bringing me my family.
"It's true, His Majesty called me earlier and informed me everyone's family would be brought via helicopter. Unfortunately William your uncle declined the invitation to come." William nodded and took a seat the table.
"So did you guys enjoy the ride?" I pushed my fear back to enjoy my time with my family.
"I loved it but Kara was a little scared." I wasn't surprised at this, Kara had always hated heights, they made her dizzy. I turned to Kara and hugged her close, my family and I sat down on the couch.
"You guys have been good right?"
"Yes, I have been working with John and Evan has been helping dad around the house. John usually just has me do the deliveries in the slums and clean his stall." I nodded, I knew John would take care of them.
"I finished my book, on days dad is in the market I go with him so I am not alone. I go with Kara sometimes too." I looked at dad asking the silent question, he nods knowing what I meant. I breath a sigh of relief knowing my family has been eating. "It's lonely without you home." I noticed the change in my brothers voice, he was scared I wouldn't make it home.
"I know buddy but I'll be home soon, I'm in first place remember?" He smiled a little, first place usually won which I now know was because it was rigged.
"I brought you a drawing." Kara reached in her pocket and handed me a piece of paper from her sketchbook, the picture was of me. It was an exact replica of the one they were given, me in the blood red dress from the presentation stage.
"I love it Kara. Have you sold anymore drawings?" She nodded.
"That's the other thing John had done, he let me sell portraits out of his stall. I even made enough to buy a small jar of paint, dad said it was okay." I smiled at her new enthusiasm, paint was hard to come by and she had wanted paints for so long that I knew she would treasure the small jar of paint.
"What color?"
"Blue. Dad lets me keep half of what I make so if I save a little more I can buy more paint." I was happy for her, she was talented and could have a real future with art. Clarissa came over and saw the drawing.
"My dear you drew this?" Kara nodded. "It's beautiful, you know once your older you could paint portraits for people here if your sister was to win."
"I know, but I don't want to get to excited, not a lot of artist make it." I saw her spark start to die, Clarissa apparently noticed it too and excused herself for a moment. Before I could comfort Kara, Clarissa had returned with paints, a canvas and some brushes.
"Sweetheart, can you paint something for me?" Kara nodded but looked at me, she was waiting for me to warn her. I smiled and nodded, she would be here until tomorrow and this was something she loved. Clarissa set up everything and whispered in her ear what she wanted, I saw Kara's smiled get even bigger as she began to work.
"Hey Evan while she is doing that do you want to look at the books on the shelf?" My brothers eyes lit up as he walked across the room the the bookshelf. I turned back to dad. "Have you heard from Rider and Chelsea?"
"Yes and no, Chelsea has been at the house almost everyday since you left but Rider hasn't." I wasn't surprised. "Chelsea has been a huge help, I asked her to pull back though. She is due any day now."
"Well hopefully she doesn't have the baby before I get back." Dad smiled, "I'm coming home soon dad, I promise." I caught William's gaze out of my eye, I knew we would have to talk later. Dad and I spoke a little more before we heard Kara yell something.
"Finished." Dad and I got up and walked over to see what she had painted. What I saw was a surprise. She had painted the meadow back home.
"I asked her to paint it because it is my favorite thing about your province, it's beautiful when the sunrises over it." I smiled in agreement, Kara looked at her work and smiled. "Well sweetie I don't have money on me so how bout this as a payment, you can keep the paints and the brushes." Kara smiled and nodded, she was so excited. Dad looked concerned but was cut of by Clarissa, "I simply want to pay her for her painting, plus all these things just sit here untouched. It will be nice to know they are being used." Dad nodded and turned back to Evan, he was sitting on the couch with a book. I smiled a little, it was almost like being back home. I treasured the rest of the evening with my brother and sister, dreading the moment they would be going home.

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