tamaki x mirio snuggles

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Tamaki was in his dorm after class when his boyfriend Mirio walked in just as he was finishing his homework (4:00)                                                                                                                                                                     mirio pov- hey baby I said as I was walking into my boyfriend's dorm he looked up at me smiling and said hiii daddy I asked if he finished his homework he said he just did so I picked him up and said little land time? he just squealed and smiled I took that as a yes I set him on his bed as I got the purple box covered in stickers from my baby boys closet I changed him into his outfit for today he just smiled the whole time giggling every so often. we sat down on the bed after and we snuggled the day away just like Tamaki loved    

they woke up at (6:30)   

 we woke up at six-thirty because Tamaki was hungry and so was I to be honest so I walked down to the common room to get us a snack and came back up with 2 boles of cereal I fed myself and Tamaki and went back to bed .this is a perfect night I said as I fell into sleep next to my baby boy

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