Chapter 6

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Most unexpectedly, sex became part of their daily routine – whenever Louis needed it, which Harry secretly thought wasn’t enough but found, emotionally, was actually too much. They didn’t discuss it because there really wasn’t much to discuss. It was a pretty unromantic act – detached if you will – both determinedly sticking to the ‘we’re only doing it because of the pregnancy hormones’ to explain it away. Considering they were trying for a proper relationship it was an odd way to handle the situation. Harry reasoned that they just weren’t ready for that kind of intimacy yet. In other words; they were okay with trying to date on it’s own and they were okay with having sex ‘for medical purposes’ on it’s own but they weren’t yet ready to handle the idea of ‘having sex because they were dating’. Harry figured they would get there eventually but was happy to stick with how things were going for now. If that made him a coward or just a typical bloke then he didn’t really care.

It was surprisingly easy to keep it meaningless too. They didn’t kiss – or at least not on the mouth - and, with his growing belly, Louis was usually on his hands and knees so they were never face to face. Harry made sure to always wear a condom so that if he closed his eyes (which he did most of the time), the only indication that this was not a random shag was the fact he could smell Louis. He could smell that familiar sharp scent all around him, that he’d recognise anywhere as his best friend, like it was amplified ten-fold. If it made his chest ache then he refused to acknowledge it.

Despite their insistence on the detachment, the sex was still very enjoyable and they could easily admit that to each other – often with a smirk and some innuendo and a bit of a teasing grope. What really set the bar for complete indifference was when they started talking during sex – about inane things like last minute items they had still to buy, or about where they were going to spend Christmas and when they should start interviewing for a professional baby-minding service for when they had to work out of town. There was no real maternity/paternity leave in the music industry so they had to start looking a.s.a.p.


The only thing Louis learned and from their sex together – and by God he nevertold Harry about it – was that he didn’t always orgasm with his dick. Enough said on that particular subject.


“Mr Tomlinson, I do hope you will not be attempting to feed it via that end.”

Louis blushed as the loud, no-nonsense voice of their ‘Mama and Papa’ tutor broke through the almost empty classroom. He quickly flipped the doll back the right way up and pretended to bottle feed it like they had been previously shown. Beside him, Harry snickered behind his hand and, a few desks away, the husband of another couple winked at them – clearly having had the same temptation to check out just how anatomically correct the dolls were too.

Despite a few reprimands, it was safe to say that these antenatal lessons were going a lot better than the classes they’d sat through during high-school. Firstly, they really had a need to learn this stuff and, while Louis had a little knowledge from helping his mum with his twin sisters, his skills were rusty and there was a lot he wasn’t completely sure of.

Secondly, Harry was really into all this crap and, quite frankly, Louis wasn’t going to let his friend be more knowledgeable about looking after the baby than him – especially when Louis was the one doing the hard bit – growing the thing inside him! Hell to the no on Harry being the ‘informed’ one.

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