the tokyo streetlights. | 05.

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kenma stared at the younger boy, quietly walking down the streets. The lights reflected in hinata eyes; him quietly staring in awe as they walked hand-in-hand.

kenma looked at hinata. "I know your not real...I know that...but I miss you so much..." he mumbled, quietly looking down at the boy.

kenma felt like he was going to throw up. His best friend, his dead best friend, was right there. But his touch- it was too cold for it to be real.

small tear tracks ran down his face as he fell down onto his knees, his arms wrapping themselves around hinata's waist. He knew no-one was around; no-one would care.

"hey, get up, and stop crying...." Hinata mumbled, clearly confused, looking at the calico as he sobbed into the younger boy's sweater. He eventually got up, his breathing shallow before he wiped at his eyes, quietly rubbing his red cheeks.

it was nice, peaceful. It felt like the crow was right there; alive and well. He knew too well that he wasn't. "Kenma," hinata spoke again. "I'm probably going to disappear. I theres a reason I'm here...I don't know what it is though..." He murmured, the bleach-blond flinching. He broke the ice.

"i- i know. But can we...we can still..." He couldn't muster a sentence. He was too scared to; too scared that what he'd say would make his friend disappear.

the ginger blinked, quietly hugging kenma, completely changing the topic, "You're warm...its nice..." he murmured, kenma's eyes narrowing at the sight of hinata's wings rustling as they folded over themselves seemingly uncomfortably under his sweatshirt.

kenma narrowed his eyes and pulled hinata in, hugging him tightly, savoring the moment. He could've fallen asleep there if he wanted; but didn't, instead releasing hinata and taking his hand, continuing to walk through the city till sunrise.


my lord i have updated this a lot- i'll probably continue to to because it's actually really interesting and im keeping my attention on if because i dont wanna forget (hyperfixation 🤩)
349 words

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