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I hate my brothers.

Seriously, it was the only thing Jennie kept chanting the moment her eldest brother– Jongin, assigned her to the underworld. Normally, the broody girl wouldn't mind the isolation and all that crap but it did kind of get lonely when you have no one to talk to other than your blasted three-headed dog named Kuma. Worst of all, everything felt so dark and a little bit hot especially since she was near the core of the earth. 

Yes, the Underworld was real– and it was just beneath the feet of these clueless mortals. It was rather amusing, humans theorized that hell existed but they were no close to finding it. The Underworld cannot be seen by the living, so no matter how hard or deep you will dig– you will never find it if you are alive. It's more so that it existed in the unconscious mind of the mortals and it can only be accessed if your plane of existent is well... no longer existing.

Heaven is also real, but it was called Olympus. Why it was called Olympus? Well, blame her eldest brother, Jongin, again. Gosh, that guy can really come up with weird but flashy names.

Now you all might be wondering, what was Olympus or who was this person yapping to you? Well, she didn't really have any name but mortals call her Hades while she would love to be called Jennie. It was a little mindboggling how the mortals thought Hades was a man, while they perfectly guessed that the other two main gods were men– but Jennie can't really whine about it now so she'll just accept the fact that people in the mortal realm saw her as a man...

So why don't we break this down? Has anyone one of you listened to their greek literature professors? Hopefully, you did, so this explanation would be much more easier.

Olympus or mortals call it as Mt. Olympus– is a castle in the heavens, a realm where olympian gods and goddesses roam– except for Jennie. In the mortal realm, the portal of Olympus is found in Greece– in the peak of a mountain literally called Mt. Olympus. But no one can enter the portal, only those who have the mythical blood within them or they are invited by a god or a goddess themself. 

Olympus was created by Jennie's eldest brother, Jongin, or Kai– the god of the heavens and king of Mt. Olympus who is known by the mortals as Zeus.

Jennie would describe her brother as an asshole playboy, sorry– she had to say it. Well, technically Kai wasn't really that bad, he was actually a good guy who just wanted the best for their family but if he just knew how to keep his peepee in his pants then, a lot of the problems in Olympus would have not existed.

Gods, even though Jennie didn't like it at first when Kai just randomly assigned her to the underworld– in the end, she was kind of thankful, the amount of drama in Olympus would have put the Kardashians to shame. Jennie did kind of feel a little bad for Kai's wife... or husband. Gosh, how the mortals thought that Hera was a girl will always be the most hilarious thing in the depths of Tartarus.

Zeus's wife was not a girl– in fact, it was the opposite, Kai didn't have a Queen by his side but a King. It was Kyungsoo, who's known by the mortals as Hera– the 'goddess' of marriage; Jennie could still remember the day everyone found out that Kyungsoo was thought to be a woman by the humans– the horrified look the god had on his face was priceless.

But Jennie did feel a bit impressed by the god of marriage, he was the most patient god you could find in Olympus especially since his husband was such a renowned player– her brother was a lucky guy.

Then there was Jennie's other elder brother, Hanbin- the god of the seas and storm who is known by mortals as Poseidon. Her brother was famous for his very bad temper, but he had his calm moments– it was just kind of weird how much Hanbin had an obsessive love for beer of any kind that would put Dionysus' drunk self to shame– but it was funny and amusing when Jennie would leave her shell to go to Olympus, only to see Hanbin drunkenly sing Despacito on his trousers– Nancy, also known as Athena by the mortals, almost stabbed Hanbin's throat with her sword just so he would shut up.

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