Second Take

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Locked Away: Second Take

Junmyeon woke up early in the morning due to many calls from his phone. 

He frowned because it was supposed to be his day off but the company staff are still calling him.

He does a little stretching before walking to his rest room. He looked at his reflection through the mirror.

He touched his long hair. Next year he can cut it off. He can come back to his own village as Kim Junmyeon, a man, an honest man who will work hard for his living.

Though he knows his sexual preference, he never liked acting like a girl and looking like a woman. He doesn't have a problem with cross dressing, but it is just not his thing.

He washed his face and brushed his teeth. He has decided to ignore all the calls but the constant vibration from his phone made him irritated.

He rolled his eyes and answered his manager.

"Why? Hyung it's still early. You know that I only have one day off every three months and yet…" His ranting was stopped because of a question asked by his manager.

"What do you mean I'm dating Oh Sehun?" He got terrified by the question. He wanted to quit showbiz with a clean reputation, no scandal.

"Trending topic in Naver." he massaged his forehead and opened his macbook.

It is true. He and Oh Sehun are in number one trend. He read some of the posts from the netizens.

[ I told you so. She is too good to be true. She is a slut. ] 102,056 upvotes 13,442 downvotes

[ She is dating a younger actor. ㅋㅋㅋ But she still clinging to Chanyeol oppa. Thick face.]

22,342 upvotes  11,222 downvotes

[I'm a fan but I felt I was betrayed by her. I used to pray for her every night.]

[They are dating for two years. My cousin's neighbor's friend sent me this picture… See attached file.]

He clicked the attached file.

There were two people encircled in the picture. The one in the center was indeed him. He remembered disliking the dress he wore that night because his shoulders were exposed.

Only his back view was visible. He was talking with his acquaintances. In the far left, a man was encircled. His side view was visible. He looked like Oh Sehun.

He tried to remember the event he attended that night. If he wasn't mistaken it was a victory party of one of his co-actors. He was invited but he didn't stay too long because he has a prior schedule the day after.

He swears he never saw Sehun there. He never met him before.

He read the comments under the post.

[My uncle who works there saw them flirting the whole night.] 

[Really? It means it's really true that they are dating for two years.]

[Yes. My sister's college friend saw them leaving together.]

[ㅋㅋㅋㅋ a nugu dating a nugu, is she that famous? It's 2016 everyone, don't live in 2008. She passed her prime.]

[Yes. She's old and she's not pretty. There are a lot of new actresses younger and much more beautiful than her.]

[Are you a spy? You don't know her? She is one of the best actresses of her generation. And Sehun oppa is great too. They fit together.]

[Yes! They look good together. They are both beautiful people. I ship them.]

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