it was a warm summer morning. skepy had just gotten out of bed and was going to make some coffeee. bad was still sleeping, and skeppy could hear him loudly snoring throufh the thin walls of their apartment.
as skeppee sat down and started dribking his coffee, bad's snoring got louder and louder, to the point where skeppy had enough. he sat up, set his coffee aside, and marched over to bad's room. he SLAMMED the door open and screamed, "BAD GET THE FIRCK UP WHY THE HELL ARE YORU SO LOUD?!?!???!??,?" bad screamed and hit his head on the ceileing. "what the muffin," bad said.
skeppy then calmly walked out of the room like nothing happened. bad sat up and looked around, then got up to use the restroom.1:32 pm
skeppy: bad
skeppy: bad
skeppy: bad
badnohhalo: what
skeppy: r u hungry
badhboyhalo: yeah i guess
skepy: ok lets go to mcdonalds
badboyhalo: ok