Skipping into a Leap

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The role given to Yue didn't have too many scenes but it was meant to leave quite an impact. 

She was going to play as a high school student with a chronic heart disease. There were many things she couldn't do because it would endanger her life but that hadn't made her any less hopeful and bubbly. Yue and He Di's characters were meant to forge an unlikely friendship akin to that of siblings.

As it turned out, Song Yiren only agreed to the role as a favor to Director Liu with whom she was indebted to. Much like Yue's real life though, her character was that of a local in the quiet town who would befriend the fallen basketball player and slowly make the latter see that there was more to life than playing basketball. 

This was the original plan, but the director and the producers of the drama had a change of heart when Yue and He Di shot their first scene together. 

"Didi, change your expression! You're supposed to look at her with filial affection, not romantic fond! She's a high schooler, remember? Look at her like how you'd look at your sister!" 

Director Liu spoke through his megaphone in exasperation. They'd done more than a handful of takes already because He Di could not, in Director Liu's words, 'do his damn best to pretend that he doesn't feel anything more than a brotherly love' for Yue's character. The crew sniggered at Director Liu's comment, all of them finding it quite endearing how unbelievably transparent He Di was being. His difficulty in showing the proper expression would make one think he was an amateur actor but everyone on set could see that his difficulty stemmed more from the fact that the young man was finding it extremely difficult to hide what he felt for the petite woman he was supposed to treat as his sister.

After an hour of having zero progress, the director screamed out "Cut!" and called for an hour long break. He and the producers then regrouped in one of the trailers to talk. 

He Di stomped his way to his own trailer, quite frustrated at acting like a complete amateur in front of Yue but Yue hurriedly followed him, a little worried about him.

"Didi, wait!"

He Di sighed. Without looking back, he said, "Sorry, Shen Yue. I'd like to be alone right now. I need to get myself together first." 

Before he could continue walking though, Yue was able to clasp one of his hands to hold him back. 

"Come with me. I know where we could go so you can release even just a little bit of your tension." 

Without even giving He Di any opportunity to protest, Yue dragged him along outside of the set. 

"Where are we going?"

Yue looked back at him to give him a toothy grin.

"Oh, you'll see."

She began to run while still holding He Di's hand, the latter laughing as he was suddenly dragged by the tiny woman in front of him. She forgot just how strong she was. 'My Strong Strong,"'He thought fondly to himself. 'You haven't changed at all.'

Yue suddenly came to a stop and He Di almost toppled her over, but Yue's reflexes were quick and she was able to hold the two of them upright. He Di leaned away from Yue and scratched the back of his head while uttering a shy apology. Yue brushed it off then raised her hand at shoulder level to look at her watch. 

"They should be out in about ten seconds."

He Di looked around, just now realizing where they were. His eyes widened in shock. 

"Jiiiieeeeeeee!! You're back! You're finally back!" 

The sound of stomping little feet coming towards their direction shook He Di out of his shock. 

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