chapter eleven | its_ya_gurl_alys

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By being in the future, Marinette destroyed the current present, and recreated a new one where things happened much differently than the last. New present means new future, so the first future she had experienced was also destroyed as soon as Marinette got out of it. When Marinette and Lila landed back in their time, that was when the future demolished, recreating a new one where things were much different, because there was a new present.


Last time, I stayed in the future for a day and a half. This time, I was only there for like 20 minutes, so I doubt too much of the present has changed. Marinette was now jumping from building to building as Ladybug, heading towards the hospital. She hadn't been wrong when she had said not much had changed. Alya was still in the hospital, and was resulted to have ended up losing a lot of blood. It was starting to make even more sense to Ladybug. The longer she stayed in the future, the more affect it would have on the present.

I wonder what the future has in store for me. Things have changed up now, so I'm not 100% sure on what's going to happen, especially with Alya. Marinette went to bed that night worrying, but before she could even fall asleep, her phone dinged. She slowly walked over to where she had put it down, and picked it up, seeing it was someone sending her messages. Her face brightened when she saw the messages were from Alya herself.

hey gurl, I'm doing okay

they're going to discharge me
soon. It wasn't that serious.

Marinette frowned a little, but shrugged anyway, sending a reply back to her friend. It wasn't that serious? But she remembered seeing Alya lying there, blood around her. She had obviously been bleeding. Marinette then gasped when a thought came to her. Maybe, it hadn't been Alya's blood, but someone else's instead. Now, she really wished she knew what had happened; if only there was a way she could see it happen, or even go back in time, and prevent it from happening. Marinette looked down when she heard her phone ding again, another message popping up from Alya.

━ yes, I was attacked. I hadn't seen it happen, and couldn't save myself, but I managed to cut him with the pocket knife I was holding for safety. Just know that my attacker has a cut on the wrist of his left hand. Anyway, gurl, it's time I tell you everything. I can't keep it to myself anymore.

━ someone is stalking me, and threatening me as well. they think I know the identity of Ladybug and Chat Noir just because I run the Lady-blog, so they found me and started going for me. I've never seen his face, but he said he was a 'guy'. The first time I met him was online, he approached me on social media.

━ i tried blocking him, but gurl, i guess I'm just that popular, because not only does he know my social medias, he's also got the knowledge of the school I go to, and where I live. he told me not to tell anyone, or else he would do something much worse. He told me he was a hacker, and to prove it, he hacked into one of my social media account, posting something that I would never post. and the fact that he also knows where i live worries me, so you're the only one besides me who knows of this.

Marinette felt the phone slipping out of her hand from what she had just read, her heart pounding inside of her chest. She shut her eyes, biting her bottom lip hard. Of course, there was no way she would have known this without Alya telling her, but she still felt horrible with the fact that she didn't even confront Alya about it, asking her what was wrong.

She took in deep breaths, trying to steady herself, before she walked over to her bed and sat down, trying to think of what to do next. She didn't even know what to think. Would it have been better to just let Alya pass during the fight with Hawk Moth 2.0. At least, she would be 26 then, being able to actually live until almost 30, rather than being stalked, threatened, and possibly die from all these attacks being sent to her.

No! The girl stood up from her bed, and clenched her hands into her fists. No! This was another chance being given to her, and she wasn't about to mess it up. All she had to now was just find Alya's stalker and put him down before he did any more damage.

Taking more steady breaths, she started walking over to her desk, Tikki following from behind. It was then that Marinette stopped at the sight of what was on her desk. "What's this?" She picked up the envelope up, and her eyes widened when she saw it was from Adrien himself.

"A friend of mine gave me this envelope saying it was from Adrien to Ladybug, so I just put it on your desk for you to read," Tikki explained, and Marinette nodded, not even bothering to open it up and read because of everything else roaming in her mind.

"He must have taken my advice," she muttered as she sat down at her desk, wanting to think of ideas on how to catch Alya's stalker. "Maybe he said no to Kagami, and decided to just go for Ladybug." She sighed, not knowing how to feel about this. She wanted to feel happy because her crush basically had a crush on her as well, but she couldn't, knowing it was Ladybug he liked, and not Marinette. Plus, with everything that was going on with the future and Alya, Marinette didn't have time for love as of this moment. "Okay, it's time to get to work." And she grabbed a pen and paper as an idea popped in her head.


Morning ━

I'm feeling so much better now, Mari, so don't worry, alright?

━ I feel better than ever already.

━ my back doesn't hurt as much as it used to before, which is good.

Marinette smiled at the messages, glad her best friend was doing okay. Still, the hunt for her stalker remained, and she was going to go on like this until she found him and caught him. She wasn't going to be satisfied until this happened. When she walked inside class today, late as usual, Marinette found everyone else already seated, except for Alya herself, who was no where to be seen. Miss. Bustier confronted Marinette about being late, but the girl didn't care, not saying a word as she sat down at her seat. She looked over at Alya's empty seat with a frown.

If she'a doing okay, why isn't she in school? She then shook her head as she faced the front, not wanting to think like that. Maybe, she's just on a break.

Yeah, that's got to be it.

Walking home from school, Marinette suddenly caught everyone running away from something. She walked closer to it, until she noticed it was a villain. The villain, who looked to be male, was a bit larger than most human, and whenever his palm touched a person, it seemed as if their energy was drawn out of them, leaving them to pass out on the spot.

Gasping when the man's eyes looked at her, Marinette whirled around and started running the other way. Finally finding a safe spot, Tikki showed herself, and Marinette wasted no time at all, calling out her transformation and hopping on a building, running to get closer to the villain. She could already tell Chat Noir was there when she spotted another figure fighting off the villain.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2020 ⏰

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