Chapter 10: The Bruisers

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I woke up in a cold sweat. Today was my first day going to the Bruiser Station for training, and I don't think I have been so nervous for anything in my life. I raised myself to a sitting position, noting how my clothes and sheets were slightly damp. Gross, I thought as I stood and headed to the bathroom with a fresh pair of clothes to put on after I shower.

My thoughts wandered as I let the lukewarm water run through my hair. Yesterday was... awkward to say the least. Since basically everyone saw my intervention in the fight, no one would talk to me. Well a couple girls smiled or waved at me, but no one tried to talk to me. Even my seat partners for history and English refused to look me in the eyes. Thankfully Bianca and Bernard were still up to eating lunch with me, and even dragged Izabele along though she seemed apprehensive at first. In music class, Mrs. Kon, a big burly woman who is apparently married to the gym teacher, decided to switch up her class and make each hour a different style of music—since we were students not on a Performer track and were just taking it for fun. My class is the rock band lessons, so we were all divided into groups of four or five to create our own bands. Therefore, my new bandmates were forced to interact with me but you could tell they were keeping their distance, except for one guy who didn't seem to care.

My shower ended too soon, signaled by my alarm going off, meaning it was time to go eat breakfast and leave. The atmosphere was somber as I walked into the kitchen and dining area. Both Mom and Miss Annie were looking down at the table, shuffling their scrambled eggs around with their forks, not saying a word. I grabbed my food, sat in my seat, and shoveled the meal into my mouth. After a couple minutes of awkward silence, I spoke.

"You two are acting like I already died."

My mom made a high-pitched whining sound and jumped out of her seat to wrap her arms around my neck, tight enough that I choked a little. I could feel her tears soaking my shirt as she let out small hiccups to try to stop crying. Turning around, I returned her hug. She kept hiccupping.

"Y-You can't g-go. It's to-too dangerous."

Miss Annie finally glanced up, but didn't meet either of us in the eyes. "He has to. There isn't a choice."

Mom released me from her grasp, only to start running her fingers through my wet hair to 'brush' it. "But he's my only baby. How can I let my baby go into a den of ruthless wolves," she mumbled.

She started to pout and went to hug me again, but I quickly stood and brought my dishes to the dishwasher. Turning around, I pulled my mom and Miss Annie into a quick hug, then checked my pockets for everything and left with a "See you later." I ran down the stairs and out the door, not risking her trying to hug me again and talk me out of it, not that I even have a choice.

As if on autopilot, I walked down the main road towards the tall clocktower. Surprisingly I saw no one on the streets. Even all the shops seemed to be closed, and now that I think of it, when I left Miss Annie and Mom should have already been in their shops too, but they were still in the condo. I brought out my phone, fully intending to ask Miss Annie what was going on, when a mandatory notification popped up.

Attention all residents of Blightmoor,

Today all Bruisers will be off the streets from 7:00 to 11:00 in the morning

It is highly recommended, and required, that residents stay within their homes

during this time

The street cameras are operating

Anyone being seen in the streets during these hours will be questioned

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