Chapter 1 The phone call

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" So How was the drive back home?" I ask, trying to sound as excited as possible. I sit down on my bed and look out the window.

" The drive was okay, But I really do miss you"  Natasha says into the phone

" I do too, I wish you didn't have to move back home" 

"me either, I know it wasn't part of the plan, but it happened, And plus I mean we can still visit each other"   Natasha says with a sad tone of voice and I can tell that she wants to believe the fact that thing will go back to normal.

" Tasha, We live 4 hours away from each other now!" I say A tiny bit frustrated

" I know, I'm Sorry, I wish I didn't have to move back home, I rea-"

" You know you Didn't HAVE to move back home, If you didn't go sle-" I say cutting Natasha off

" Brit, We talked about this, I know what I did, Now stop Reminding me, Frankly It's really non of your buissnes what I do!" Natasha says with anger in her voice, I can hear her trying to stay calm and doing some deep breathing,

" WELL It's not MY fault you Got fucked up! and Look what happen-"

"- GOD, And this is why I needed to move back home! I Couldn't handle the judgment!"  Natasha says into the phone still trying to stay calm, but her voice slowly gets louder with each word.

" OH SO IT'S MY FAULT????" I yell into the phone

"No, britley you know that's not what I meant, I meant that you are judging me and your mad at me"

" You know what? I think I have a pretty Good reason to be mad at you!" I yell, I stand up from my bed and I walk into the kitchen, I start angrily putting the dry dishes away that were in the drying rack. 

" Brittley-"

" You Said you Hadn't talked to him in years!!! YOU SAID YOU HATED HIM!!!!! NEXT THING I KNOW, YOUR GETTING FUCKED BY HIM?!?!?!?!" I yell, Slaming one of the cups down onto the counter, As I do, It shater against the counter making a huge noise.

"Shit...." I mumble as a tiny piece of glass cuts my hand

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT???? Are you okay????" Natasha says sounding worried, 

"I'm fine" I say stiffly

I get the piece of glass out of my hand, and soon there is blood everywhere. It looks like a crime scene, But I try to stop the blood as best as I can with a paper towel. 

"Brittley I'm Sorry" Natasha says, and I can tell she is about to cry

" Tasha stop, it's fine, it's done, it's over with, your at home, I'm here about to be homeless, all is good" I say sighing trying to sweep up the glass

" I'm sure you'll find a roommate soon"

" I hope so, But considering all that is going on, with all of these kids going missing, don't think anyone really wants to live here in this area,  and I don't think I'll ever be able to find a roommate like you" I say with a smile on my face, That is before I realize my hand is still bleeding and Is making a mess

"true, but let me know when you do find a room mate, okay?"

"yeah of course, and just so you know, I'm still mad at you" I say 

"I know, and I am sorry, It just happened, But I swear I didn't mean for it too, and I already told you about who I am" Natasha says in a soothing voice

"yes you did tell me, and that is why I forgive you, Now, I have to go it's late, and I need to wake up on time for work tomorrow" 

" Okay, sounds good, I'll talk to you soon" Natasha says 

"yea, okay bye"

"bye "

I click the end call button and I get settled into bed, I put my phone on my nightstand and lay under neath the covers, I know I should be falling asleep but I can't. 

Okay everyone hope you like the first chapter!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2021 ⏰

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