Two Prince and the other Prince

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" What if two people are just perfect for each other and has so many things to offer but a person wants to get between them ?"

Renjun chugged half can of beer at one sip .

" are you this confused and worried about that BL novel Renjun ?"

Yanan gently patted his back.

" Its about life or death okay? I couldn't sleep properly because if this. "

Renjun huffed.

" well.. i think the one who knows that he can't offer anything much should leave. Because .. i don't know this. At least my brain can't afford thinking about a threesome relationship if it even is a real thing"

Yanan wiggled his eyebrow.

" I know right. the other one is a prince from another country. Its not even his home at the first place . And the other two are prince of same country just different country . And they are perfect for each other and .. everything"

" I think the other prince  should just leave then. "

Yanan suggested.

" But Yanan the other prince like them both and both said they like the other prince too"

Renjun pouted.

Yanan pushed his hairs back with frustration .

" Renjun listen.. there is a big difference between liking and loving. Also compatibility is important. About the two prince liking the other foreign prince is just as same as we use to do when we were children. We use to be friends with same interest and plated with same toys together. We loved the toys so be would share that.But after some times we are tend to get bored and leave the toy moving to next one. But our playmate doesn't change . What changes is our toy. So the other prince is a toy to them in which they both have interest to play with and they are doing that actually out of mutual liking."

Renjun blinked . He wasn't expecting to hear such deep long explanation from Yanan. He was just thinking to get some advice not this kind of hard slap on face. Then again Renjun has more things to say .

" But Yanan .. the other prince lo... I mean likes the two prince. How do you wanna explain this situation?"

Yanan took some moments to arrange his sentences . Because he was explaining a friend in need. 

" Renjun often we like two things at the same time when we actually need only one. So we have to pick only one. If we are confused , we should let it go and pick something else or just stay out of this. Also you said the two prince are compatible for each other so the other prince stand no chance ."

" But what about his feelings then Yanan?"

Renjuns voice crackled.

" As I said .. he'll find someone else . Maybe someone who was looking for him for a long time or simply he has met   just now. Who knows? Maybe the one is just around him"

Yanan said the last sentence in a low tone as if he was trying to hint on something. Renjun elbowed him.

" Yaahhh I told you already.."

" yeah yeah.. I know I know. You just wanted to clear your head and wasn't in mood of speaking Korean. Don't want to disturb Chenle during his honeymoon time . So you asked me to meet you. Yeah I know"

Yanan chuckled.

Renjun stayed silent. He had so many things going in his mind. He had to take decision of his life. It's not a simple decision . Many lives depend on him. Including his own.

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