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"Arthur please let me come with you" I begged, chasing my older brother around the throne room.
"No Misty I've already told you that I'm going with Merlin" Arthur argued back as he collected his armour helmet and walked over to the mage who also happened to be one of the 'amazing' Seven Deadly Sins. I simply huffed in defeat and crossed my arms.
"Come along Arthur. We need to leave now in order to reach Liones in time" Merlin told him.
"Right" He smiled up at her. He went to mount his horse before pausing. He looked back at me and began walking over to me. "I'm sorry Misty but I don't know what's going to happen in Liones and you're safer here" He explained. I simply rolled my eyes at him and looked away. I heard him sigh before hugging me. "I promise I'll be back soon" He walked back to his horse, climbed up and looked at the guards "Protect Princess Misty. I don't want her leaving Camelot" He ordered. The guards all nodded and looked at me as Arthur rode away. I stood at the castle's entrance and watched my brother leave the city and out into the open world.
"This is such bullshit" I shouted as the city gates slammed shut behind the two.
"Princess Misty I understand you're angry but please try to calm down. You're starting to heat up again" One of the guards pointed out. I looked down and saw my fists covered in flames.
"He used to always choose me to go on missions with him. Always. Until she came along and now he's replaced me. If anything I should go instead of him!" I turned to face the guard named Kylan. "I have magical powers! What does he have?" I asked him. The guard stuttered a bit, clearly not wanting to bad mouth his king. "An attitude. That's what" I answered for him. I looked at Kylan who didn't really know what to say. I took a deep breath and controlled my powers. I stared at the floor as a smirk crawled across my face.
"Lady Misty" Kylan started "Whatever you're thinking please don't" He begged.
"Oh please Kylan when do I ever disobey King Arthur's orders" I laughed. He gave me a glare.
"When don't you is a better question" He scoffed.
"Ha ha. It's obvious which guard deals with me the most" I laughed at him as I swung my arm over his shoulder, which was quite difficult to do given how small I am. I laughed a little more before walking towards the stairs.
"Where are you going?" Kylan challenged.
"Chill out I'm going for a bath" I lifted my hands in a surrender position as I smiled and walked up the stairs.
"Shall I send a maid?" He asked.
"No thank you. I just need to relax. You guys should be on standby in case Arthur needs back up" I told him and the other guards in the room. They all looked at each other and nodded.
"Let us know if you need anything" Kylan shouted up to me as I reached the top of the stairs. I turned the corner before shouting back.
"I always do Kylan. You're my favourite" I laughed as I shouted down. I began walking down the corridors. Past the bathroom and towards my room.
"Leave me out again will you" I muttered to myself as I walked into my room. "We'll see who needs who" I carried on muttering. I walked over to my wardrobe and grabbed my disguise. I walked over to the mirror, put on my cloak and covered my face with a black bandanna. "Here we go again" I smirked. I checked the mirror one last time. All that was visible was my eyes. Face hidden and voice disguised. Check. Sword on back. Check. Bow and arrow. Check. "Looks like we're ready to go" I smirked to myself again at my voice. Luckily this bandana makes my voice sound deeper so my identity remains hidden. I clicked my fingers and vanished.
I instantly landed in Liones.
"Right. Where are you? You little shit" I asked myself. A huge collision disrupted me from my thoughts. "There he is" I sighed and jumped up onto the rooftops to get a better view. I quickly scanned the area and immediately saw the orange hair in the distance. Found you. I jumped to the next rooftop to see what was happening. I looked down to see Arthur in combat with.. Wait. No it can't be. Holy Knight Grand Master Hendrickson? What's going on here? I kept on watching as Arthur and Hendrickson carried on fighting on a narrow wall.
"Come on Lord Hendrickson! Why don't you and I settle our differences here and now" I heard Arthur call out to Hendrickson.
"You're a rather brave king Arthur Pendragon. I'll say that much for you" Hendrickson praised. He stopped for a moment as he stared at my brother. Almost like he was thinking deeply about something. Something important.
"We're in a battle now," Arthur reminded him. He launched himself forwards and prepared to attack from behind "Don't get lost in thought" He shouted as he sprung his attack. Hendrickson easily blocked all attacks, it almost seemed like he used no effort while doing so.
"Get serious. Show me the power only worthy of a true king" Hendrickson shouted. He smacked Arthur and sent him flying off of the wall and into the side of the mud hill next to it.
"That may have hurt. But I'm not done" Arthur shouted as he jumped back onto his feet. Hendrickson was one step ahead. He was already in front of Arthur and punched him back again. I watched as Arthur slid across the ground and coughed.
"Arthur!" I pulled up my bandanna, brought out my sword and jumped down in front of him and blocked Hendrickson from getting near him.
"And who are you?" He challenged me.
"I am the protector of King Arthur of Camelot" I warned him.
"It's you again. Boy am I glad to see you" Arthur laughed. I stayed staring at Hendrickson.
"Are you planning to hold back on me until you're dead?" Hendrickson challenged Arthur, who was still on the floor behind me.
"Why don't you try a little harder to draw it out of me" He laughed, standing up as he did. I turned around and glared at him. Is this boy fucking serious right now?
"I won't allow you to harm King Arthur in such a way" I puffed out my chest to seem more threatening. My height doesn't tend to scare people.
"If that's what you wish" Hendrickson sighed as he began to cover his sword in flames. Wait a minute. These flames. No they can't be... They're black. He pointed his sword directly at Arthur.
"Now die" He scowled. "Hellblaze scream!" He shouted. The flames flew up into the air and began plummeting down towards Arthur.
"No!" I shouted. I jumped back and shoved Arthur out of the way. As I did another figure appeared in front of me and repelled the attack. I used my cloak to cover Arthur from the dust. The dust quickly began to settle and the figure became visible. It was the Seven Deadly Sin Captain. Meliodas the Dragon Sin of Wrath. As he and Hendrickson spoke I looked back at Arthur.
"Are you alright?" I asked him.
"I'm fine. Thank you" He looked up at me and then back at Meliodas who was standing in front of me.

The Princess Of CamelotWhere stories live. Discover now