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Back at the castle I chucked all my stuff in my wardrobe while keeping my sword on my back.
"Someone go and get the druid healer" I heard Arthur shout as he arrived back. I ran down the stairs to see him.
"Arthur! Are you ok?" I called out to him as I ran over.
"Not now Misty. Lady Merlin and Sir Meliodas are injured" He scolded as he pushed me away. I stood and watched as all the fighters were carried in. I kept my anger contained as I walked past them all and to the kitchen to find the chef cutting up vegetables.
"Hey Chef" I sighed as I jumped up and sat on the counter while grabbing an apple.
"Hello Princess. How are you?" He smiled up at me.
"Same old, same old" I told him, biting into the fruit.
"You know, you and your brother remind me of my children" He laughed.
"Why? Does your son hate your daughter?" I scoffed at him.
"They argue all the time but at the end of the day, deep down they love each other" He stopped cutting the vegetables and looked up at me. "They always find a way to make up," He finished. I stayed silent for a minute while thinking.
"Yeah. You're right" I smiled as I jumped down off the counter "Thank you Chef" I called out as I left the kitchen. I need to find my brother. I walked out of the kitchen and went to find everyone.
"Arthur" I softly spoke as I walked in the room. Many of the fighters were now awake and healed. I looked over the group and saw Arthur crying over a stone Merlin. "Arthur" I tried again.
"What do you want Misty!" Arthur snapped at me. Everyone looked away.
"I just wanted to talk" I tried. Arthur scoffed as he walked back to Merlin.
"Misty can you just go away. We have bigger problems right now" He shouted. I opened my mouth to say something but changed my mind and closed it. I simply turned around and walked away. I reached the door when I bumped into similar blonde haired sin, Meliodas. He looked me in the eyes and his eyes widened.
"Wait. Who are you?" He asked me as he reached his hand out to me. I quickly panicked and teleported away. Shit he recognised me. Shit. Shit. Shit. I began pacing my room. Is he going to tell Arthur? I walked to the balcony and saw Meliodas and Elizabeth walking out of the castle with the other people in their group. Are they leaving? I walked out of my room and down the stairs to see Arthur walking out the doors.
"Where are you going?" I demanded. His head whipped around and looked at me. He sighed as he stopped walking. Arthur groaned as he rubbed his temple and turned around to face me.
"I'm joining Sir Meliodas and the rest of the sins to power up and fight the 10 Commandments," Arthur explained.
"W-Well. C-can I come?" I asked him. I was too full of hope.I already knew the answer yet a part of me still prayed that he would say yes.
"No Misty. You must stay here. This journey is too dangerous and someone has to stay here and look over the kingdom" He ordered.
"You're the king" I blurted. Uh oh. Why did I say that?
"And as King I'm ordering you to stay here" He snarled.
"It's your kingdom Arthur. You are the King of Camelot. Take some responsibility and look after it for once!" I shouted back. Rage boiling inside of me.
"I am!" He shouted back "I'm going with the sins to unlock my true power and defeat the demons" I could tell he was also getting angry.
"You and what power?" I laughed. Arthur's face dropped.
"What's that supposed to mean?" He challenged.
"I'm more powerful than you. If anyone stands a chance against the demons it's me!" I wasn't backing down. Arthur walked over to me and stood in my face. I had to look up a bit since I'm a bit smaller. I still didn't back down.
"Misty. You will stay here. You are my little sister and you will do as I say" He growled through gritted teeth. I said nothing, I simply stared him down. He eventually stood down and walked away. I continued staying silent as Arthur left the castle and caught up with the sins.

It had only been a day since Arthur left with the Seven Deadly Sins but things were weird. Everyone knew that things were changing in the world. There was a dark aura in the air that had everyone on edge. I was standing in the throne room, alone, staring at the throne.
"You miss him, don't you?" A voice asked from behind me.
"This is the longest we've ever been apart," I told them. I knew it was Kylan. "Do you think he misses me?" I asked him.
"Of course he does. You're his sister" Kylan tried to reassure me but the words from my older adoptive brother was ringing through my head. 'You two might not even be siblings. You were just found together' I always hated Kay. He was a bully to both of us when we were younger.
"Am I though?" I challenged him. Kylan walked over to me and turned my body to face him.
"You need to ignore what Kay told you. Both you and Arthur look so similar it's unreal. The only differences are your hair lengths, gender and height. You both have bright orange hair and if I had to tell you apart by just your eyes, I don't think I'd be able to" Kylan smiled down to me.
"Yeah. I guess you're right" I smiled back. He was about to say something when an immense dark power slammed into the middle of the capital.
"What was that?" I asked as the guards came running in.
"Princess you must leave immediately. The 10 commandments are here" He shouted. Fear filled his voice. My eyes widened. No they can't be.
"How many of them are there?" Kylan asked.
"Just one. But the power coming from him. It's..." The guard couldn't finish his sentence.
"All Holy Knights are to fight this demon and protect the princess. Do not let him reach the castle" Kylan ordered as he drew his sword. "Princess you must run" Kylan begged me as he turned and ran out of the castle. The sounds of shouting and screaming didn't last long.
"Kylan" I called out. Nothing. "Kylan?" I shouted again. Eventually a lone guard opened the castle door.
"There's one left in here Sir Zeldris" He announced. Who the fuck is Zeldris? I could hear the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs that lead to the castle.
"Shit" Was all I could say. I spent no time hesitating as I created a quick fire wall in front of the door, turned around and ran full speed up the stairs. The footsteps that were behind me began to speed up. I sprinted down the corridor and slid around the corner until I reached Arthur's room. I ran in and quickly but quietly shut the door behind me. My heart began to race as I heard the demon walk around the corner. Fuck it. I thought to myself as I bent down to look through the keyhole. I held my breath as I watched a red suit walk past the door and around the corner. I waited a few seconds to ensure he was gone. I slowly opened the door and looked around. No sign of him anywhere. I let out a breath of relief as I started walking the other way. It took two steps before a figure appeared in my face. Teleportation. I took a gulp as I looked up. Sure enough I was toe to toe with a member of the ten commandments.

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