Now What?

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"Emilie, honey."

I feel a tap on my shoulder, pulling me out of my sleep. I sit up and wipe my mouth, and smooth my hair.

Mrs. White was smiling at me, "Emilie, sweetie, why don't you go on home and get some rest?"

My mouth forced open and let out a yawn, I nodded and began to gather my stuff, "Will you call me if anything changes?"

She smiles, "Of course, you are such a great friend to her," my heart sank and I began to walk away but she stopped me, "Have you heard from Liam? Is he alright?"

I bit the inside of my cheek, "He had to go take care of something for Sarah. He should be back soon."

"Do you need me to call a ride for you?"

I shook my head, "I will be okay, thank you."

I waved goodbye as I walked out of the doors of the lobby and into the Emergency Room parking lot. I check the time on my phone, my mother would still be at work. I didn't have any other options....


"Hey, I'm sorry to bother you..."

"What do you want?"

"Can you pick me up from the hospital?"

It was silent for what felt like an hour before he answered, "I'll be there in like 10 minutes. Where is Liam?"

"Looking for your brother."

The phone line ended, and I took a seat on the park bench beside a reserved parking spot. His car pulled up about twenty minutes later, and his window rolled down.

"Are you going to get in?"

I grab my jacket and purse and take my seat on the passenger side. The window rolls up, and we leave the parking lot in silence.

"Why is he looking for Justin?"

I did my nervous lip biting, "Something about Sarah."

He flashed concern across his face, "What about Sarah? Did something change? Is she okay?"

"Woah," I put my hand on his leg, "Calm down, she is still the same. What was that?"

He drops his eyes and fixes the collar on his shirt, "I just wanted to make sure she is okay."

He outlined the hem of his pants with his finger, and I knew something was up.

"Jackson... I know you. What's going on?"

We slow to a stop light and his attention moves to me, "Last night.. when we came to the docks," I nod, "Sarah kissed me in the car."

Now it was my turn to be confused, "Wait, what?"

He nodded, "I didn't know she knew about you and Liam. She showed up at my house, and asked me to go with her- Justin wasn't home. I could tell she was upset, but I had no idea."

"She kissed you to piss me off...."

"I think something happened between her and Justin too. I think she thought the idea of her and I would piss Justin off, not you."

The wheels in my head started to turn, and I blurted it out, "Is Justin dealing?"

Jackson's Eyes became golf balls, "You think Justin gave her the drugs?"

I shook my head slowly, "No, I think he snuck her drugs."

Jackson slams on his breaks, "That's pretty fucked up, Emilie. He has done some pretty shitty things, but drugging his girlfriend?"

I quickly apologize, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that."

"Is that why Liam is looking for him?"

I couldn't connect my eyes to his, I kept them locked on to my shoes in the floorboard.

The rest of the ride to my house was completely silent, only filled with the music coming from his speakers. That was until we pulled onto our road. Liam's Jeep was parked in front of the Brooks' house.

"You have got to be kidding me," he stopped the car in front of my house, "Get out."

"What? No, I'm coming with you!"

He reached across my seat and opened my door, "Emilie, I mean it. Get out and go inside."

I sighed very loudly to exaggerate my annoyance before getting out of the vehicle. As soon as I had shut my door, he pulled down to their house. And as soon as he was out of sight, I walked down to their house.

The front door was unlocked so I let myself in. I could already hear the arguing.

"Stop lying! We know she bought the drugs for you, she told us."

"No, she didn't. I don't do drugs anymore, not since we moved."

"You are so full of shit, Brooks."

"I swear to God I did not ask her to buy me drugs, I'm a big boy."

I heard someone slam their fist to a table, more than likely Liam. But then I heard Jackson...

"She didn't buy the drugs for Justin."

My heart stopped. I peeked around the corner and could see Liam, Grant, and Justin all with a mask of shock painted to their face.

"What?" Grant was now inches from Jackson, towering over him.

"She bought them for me."

"And you didn't think to tell us this hours ago when they told us she had drugs in her system? What the fuck, dude?"

"Look it's not what you think," Jackson held his arms up in the air, "I didn't ask her to do it."

Justin was now standing as well, "Then why did she buy you drugs?"

Jackson shook his head, "She kept joking that I needed to learn how to let loose and have fun.. I didn't know that she had meant drugs. She showed up with them at my house a few nights ago. I told her I didn't want them."

"And she just left?"

"No, she sat on the front porch waiting for dipshit to get home, but guess who never showed up."

Justin rolls his eyes and walks back to his seat, "She isn't my girlfriend, I can spend the night at other girls houses."

Liam shook his hand at Justin, "That is not the point," he turns back to Jackson, "If you didn't take the drugs then what did she do with them?"

Jackson shrugged, "I don't know, we will have to ask her that."

Liam rubbed his face with both hands. I could sense that the conversation was close to ending, so I attempted to sneak out the front door. I had almost made it.

"What are you doing?"

My eyes close, and I turn around, "I was looking for you."

"Well you found me. Now what?"

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