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  I woke up to mrs.amanda yelling that it was adoption day we need to get up. I take a shower and do my skin care routine I get out and put this on

 I take a shower and do my skin care routine I get out and put this on

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Bracelets and necklace

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Bracelets and necklace

Bracelets and necklace

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And I went in the room and sat at my desk my desk was by Casey's my only friend and we waited for Mrs

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And I went in the room and sat at my desk my desk was by Casey's my only friend and we waited for Mrs. Amanda to come to the front of the room and after a few minutes she came with a man he looked as if he was in his twenties Mrs.Amanda asked if he wanted a boy or girl and what age. The man said a girl ages 12 through 14 and would that Mrs.Amanda's said

Mrs.Amanda: everyone except for girls ages 12 through 14 carry on with your day!

Almost everyone walked out the room to carry on with their day there's only three people left me Casey and a new girl and I was sure she was going to be the one adopted but the man walked up to me I'm asking my name

???: what's your name 

Me: Briley

???: and how old are you

Me: 13

???: what do you say I adopt you

Briley: I would love that

???: I want to adopt her

Mrs. Amanda: ok go pack you bags

    I didn't have much stuff so I came out about 8 minutes later.

???: ok we can go now I signed the papers to adopt you

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???: ok we can go now I signed the papers to adopt you


  And with that we walked outside I was amazed and my jaw dropped because in front of me was a Tesla Model X and I could not believe it he snapped me out of my thinking when he took my bag and put it in the back once he was done with both got in and sat down in the front and he started to drive away the drive was silent until he said

???: so my name is Bryce 

Me: Oh

Author notes
353 words
So this is a little longer than I expected but the next chapter is going to be a little shorter do you think Noah should be in the story?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2020 ⏰

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