Chapter 1

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I don't own anything and your clothes up there👆🏼

"My sister should be about 11 now?...No, no. She's my twin and was born a few minutes after me, so she is 12 as well....but technically, I am older than her till the few minutes that she was born, pass," a (h/c)ette mumbled to himself as he walked forward with a sword attached to his back.

'I should go and see them.....but it too much of a bother.....who was I talking about again?' the (h/c)ette with blonde highlights scratch the back of his head in thought as he walked through the land of the Waves, trying to figure out where he's at now. The male didn't seem worried that he kept passing the same tree about 20 times or to the fact that it seems that he's walking in circles. 'Master must be very worried for me, since it's been....' the (h/c)ette stop walking and quickly took out a small notebook from his pocket, flip through the pages, and found the page, he was looking for. 'It's been 6 days since I last saw him. I should probably hurry up and find my way to a village.'

With that thought in mind, the no sense of direction boy, finally took a left instead of a right, thus finally stopped walking around in circles and was actually walking forward.


Only to walk forward for a couple miles and saw three 12 years olds standing in front of an old man, while watching a silver haired male get trapped inside a bubble which is held by a male in a cow print outfit. But of course, the dual haired male didn't take note of that. What he did took note of the fact that the cow print wearing male had a sword in his hand.

Team 7 was startled when a purple blur passed them and a clang rang out in the clearing.

"The hell!?" Naruto was the first to break the silence as Team 7 stared in shock that someone came to their aid. Sakura was the next one to shout, as she can recognize the purple outfit and blond strands easily. "Ino-pig?!"

The missing mist nin grunt as he successfully pushed the new child back with his sword, watching as the new opponent landed in front of the leaf genins and their client. "...your claws are excellent. So is your skill..." the dual haired boy spoke out as he ignored Team 7 that was standing behind him, hell he didn't even notice Kakashi, who was stuck in the water bubble.

Sakura took notice then that this male wasn't her rival, but she couldn't help but wonder who he is, while she and Ino may not be friends anymore, but she had never heard the female mention a doppelganger before.

"....Kakashi. Is this one of your students?" Zabuza spoke as he kept his eyes on the dual haired boy, who looked like he was waiting for the swordsman to stop talking to the copycat ninja, so they could go back to fighting. Kakashi didn't answer and was staring at the boy in shock that someone came out of nowhere and attacked Zabuza.

"Show me more. If you do well, Master might praise me for finding a good one," the boy smiled, before he launched himself once more at the older male with full intent of making the man show off his skills. But (M/n) was intercepted by the clone of the missing mist nin, who he dodge with no problem. The clone followed after the boy, and swung his sword with intent of separating the dual haired boy's head off of his boy.

"WATCH OUT, YAMANAKA-SAN!!!" Sakura's voice echoed through the clearing, warning the male of the attack from behind, where a second clone had appeared, ready to strike him down, should he somehow dodge the attack from the first clone. The Yamanaka blocked the blow from the first clone with his sword and could only watch as the second clone swung his sword. Sakura screams in shock as she closes her eyes so she doesn't see the gruesome attack, while Sasuke grunts and turns his head in shame, he couldn't save anyone because he was too weak. And Naruto shouted at the boy to get out of there, but couldn't run out there, cuz fear kept him rooted to his spot.

"You knew my last name. Who are you?"

The pinkette jumped up and looked to her right in shock, to see that instead of an empty space, the weird (h/c)ette with blond highlights stood there, with a confused expression. At her gasps, Naruto and Sasuke looked over and stared at the male in shock that he was still alive, and looked forward to seeing that there was only one clone of Zabuza standing there.

"Ne. Tell me, how did you know my name? Now that I say seem pretty interesting. Your mind is so strong," the male Yamanaka started as he stared into Sakura's eyes, unknowingly forgetting about the battle he had interrupted between the ninjas and the one, he had started with the missing ninja. He didn't even notice the glare that was aimed at him by the short blond.

"Huh? (M/n) is that you?" the old man finally spoke up since the battle had started, in surprise once he finally got a good look at the boy, who glanced at him with surprise flashing in his (e/c) eyes.

"And now you know my name. Who are you?" (M/n) tilt his head, focusing on the two, who had caught his interest, annoying the missing mist nin, and the other ninjas with how he didn't acknowledge them. Kakashi, realising that the boy wasn't going to fight Zabuza again, yelled at his team, client, and the plus one, to get out of here and leave him behind. But of course, his words met with deaf ears, as his Team didn't even think of obeying his demand, the client giving his team permission to fight, while the so-called Yamanaka, who he was going by Sakura's word on this on calling this mysterious boy by that name, ignored him.

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