Chapter three

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    Oikawa POV

    I spent most of the lunch time locked in one of the boxes in the bathroom. I didn't want to face anyone right now. I stayed there thinking about everything I've been feeling for the past years and how it started to grow stronger in the last few months. This feeling of not being complete. The feeling of something being wrong but not knowing what it is.
    I walk out of the box and look at the mirror above the sink. I take a good look at myself.
    "There are so many things out of place." I think to myself.
    Some tears fall down my face as I turn myself to have a better look in the mirror.
    "I'm not like this. I'm not this. What's happening.. I don't understand..." I whisper to myself.
    I clean my tears and walk out of the bathroom. I didn't want to be at school. I felt to tired and broken to be here, so I decided to fake I'm sick. I go to the nurses office and knock on the door.
    "Come in." A voice says from inside the room and I walk in. "Hello sweetie. How can I help you?" The nice old lady asks me with a smile.
    "I'm not feeling very good." I say and the woman walks up to me guiding me to a chair and making me sit down.
    "What are you feeling?" She asks.
    "M-My head hurt and my s-stomach too..." I stutter.
    "Hmmm... I see. Could this be one of those rare cases of 'I want to go home'?" She asks clearly knowing I was lying.
    I look down embarrassed and nod.
    "I'm going to make an exception but only this time." She says walking to her desk and writing something on a paper. "What's your class dear?"
    After I say my name and class to the last she gives me authorization to get home and so I do.
    On my way home I stop at a little store and I walk to the "medical section". I buy some band aids, alcohol for the wounds and a few more things. As I was walking to the counter I see by the corner of my eye elastic bangades. I shake my head and keep walking but before I make it to pay for the things I turn around and grab a pack of the bandages. After paying for my things I go home.
    I open the door and walk inside making my way upstairs to my room and locking the door.
    I take the bandages out of the bag and walk to the bathroom. Layer by layer I let my clothes fall on the floor leaving only my sports bra on. I didn't use normal bras because the size of my chest made me feel uncomfortable and the sports bra helped to hide some of the "volume".
    I start wrapping the bandages around my torso. When I'm done I grab my shirt and put it on again. This time when I look at the mirror I don't feel so out of myself. I run my hand over my chest feeling the flatness and let a small smile show.
    "It's flat." I think rubbing the front of my shirt. "It looks so different. It looks more... me?"
    "Urgh! What am I thinking! I'm a girl! I'm a girl!" I yell at myself ripping the bandages off my chest while angry tears stream down my face.
    I fall on my knees sobbing as I feel the confusion and rage make a loud noise in my mind.

    Iwaizumi POV

    After classes were over I walk to the gym for volleyball practice.
    "Hello people." I greet my teammates that were already in the gym.
    "Hi Iwaizumi-senpai!" Tobio says happy.
    "Where is Oikawa?" I ask looking around not seeing her.
    "Oikawa-senpai is not coming to practice today. Coach said she's sick." Kageyama informs me.
    "Thank you Tobio." I say and we start practice.
    I couldn't focus on practice. My head was always thinking about Yui. What was happening to her?
    After practice was over I grab my phone and call Yui but she doesn't pick up.
    "Hey Iwaizumi-san are you ok?" Kindaichi asks when he passes by me on the school gates.
    "Yeah." I say.
    "Well then see you tomorrow." Kindaichi waves me good bye and walks away.
    I make my way home too while I still try to call Yui and still not getting any luck.
    "Damn it!" I curse.
    Before I get home I stop at Oikawa's and knock on the door. No one came to answer and I start to get more and more worried. I knock again and again but no one answered. I call Yui one more time and this time she picks up the phone.
    "H-Hello..." Her voice was sad and tired.
    "Yui? What's wrong?" I ask.
    "Nothing." She says.
    "Yui can you open your door?" I ask hearing a few moments of silence from her.
    "I'm sorry Iwa-chan. I just don't want to be with anyone right now." Oikawa says hanging up the call.
    I stay static for a moment before I walk home.
    "Tadaima." I say while I take my shoes at the door.
    "Okaeri." My mom says getting closer to me and kissing my cheek. "How did school go?" She asks.
    "It was normal." I answer.
    "You don't look very happy. What's wrong, dear?" It was worthless trying to lie to my mom. She always knew when something was wrong.
    "Yui skipped practice today and she seemed sad." I say.
    "Maybe she's just tired." She states more in a form of a question.
    "I'm sure that's not it. Something's been wrong for some time now. I just... don't know what it is. She doesn't talk about it. I don't know what to do." I say feeling angry with myself for not being able to help my best friend.
    "Well try to talk to her and tell her you're worried. And even if you already did, try again." My mom tells me.
    "Yeah I'm going to talk to her tomorrow." I say.
    "Good. Now go wash your hands and come eat dinner." Mom says and I obey.

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