katsuki x Female Reader

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Warning: Massive fluff!!

Tired brat


I was in the bathroom getting ready for bed when I heard the front door open. I hear my tired husband, katsuki, slowing stomping his way to our room. " Welcome home grumpy pants", I say walking out of the bathroom. Instead of him speaking to me he just let out a small groan and jumped onto the bed, " Can you at least take off your shoes before you get in bed?" He didnt say anything. ' he must have already fallen asleep' I walk over to the bed and take of his shoes and socks. After that I  removed to his tank top and through it into the dirty hamper. But just as I were to remove his pants I felt a pull on your shirt, I turned around to see my  husband holding on. " Your such a brat" I  said in a joking voice as I laid down next to him on our bed. "Thank you" I  heard from katsuki as he pulled me close. I wrapped my arms around his waist. " Your overworking yourself katsuki." You hear him hum in agreement. " How about we take a vacation or at least take a break with me this weekend. We can do anything you want~" I  hear a light chuckle out of him. "Maybe~" he says in a groggy voice. I kiss him on the forehead and turn around ( still in his arms ) to turn off the lamp. " Goodnight."

Sorry it's so short 😅

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2020 ⏰

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