Haruka&Takane: Don't Forget Me

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August 09, X214 (Edited and revised)

Please don’t forget me – TakanexHaruka

It was surprisingly a sunny day when Takane decided to clean her room. She was almost done with sweeping but the dust kept floating everywhere, making her sneeze. She walked to where her window was and opened it, letting some fresh air in which made her sigh in relief when the fresh air entered her lungs. ‘Ah, what a nice day…’ She thought as she looked out into her window and started her daydreaming.

“Oi Takane ~ “a familiar face suddenly appeared near her own, making her stumble backwards. Haruka smiled innocently as he looked at Takane, which only annoyed the girl. She quickly stood up with a frown and pretended to wipe away the invisible dirt on her plaid skirt.

“Haruka!” she said as she glared at the smiling boy, but her face softened at the heart-melting smile of the boy. She could feel her heartbeat spike up and blood suddenly rushed to her face. That was what she hated about Haruka. He has this effect on her with just a smile. She doesn’t like it when this happens. She tends to lose her calm and collected façade when he’s near. It’s like he’s a happy virus that infects everyone.

“Ohayou, Takane. Do you want to go to the Amusement Park today?” Haruka replied as the same smile on his face remained. His smile brightened up when he saw Takane blush. She might not realize this but for him; it was the most adorable thing that he saw. He liked the way Takane would scowl at everything that he talks about but he loved it when she smiles. Unfortunately, he only saw Takane smile once, when they were planning for their shooting gallery. That’ll change today though. He’ll make Takane smile all day, that’s for sure.

“Don’t just pop out of nowhere Haruka! You’ll scare people!” She scolded, putting her hands on her hips as she continued to glare at the boy. But she stopped when she noticed that he was sweating and the front of his shirt was soaked in sweat. “Haruka…did you do something that requires a great physical participation?

Haruka just smiled and shook his head. “No. I just ran from my house. I wanted to see you as soon as possible.”

Her face turned red again but she forced it to return to its normal color. ‘It’s not the time for sweet talks’ she reminded herself, knowing that Haruka broke a rule. “Do you feel anything weird, Haruka?” she asked nervously as she climbed out of her room through her window to get a better look on the boy.

“I’m alright, Taka-chan. You see, I can handle my—“he was cut off by a sudden pain in his chest that made him drop to the ground while he clutches his chest. ‘No…please. Not now.’ He thought as his breathing came out in short pants. He was really exhausted from the 3 minute run but he shrugged it off in a hurry to see Takane.

Takane instantly panics at seeing the boy’s face twist in pain. She rushed to his side immediately and rubbed his back, hoping to help in regulating his breathing. “H-Haruka… H-hold on...” she tried to sound brave as she helped Haruka stand up but she knew she wasn’t. She was scared and terrified of what may happen to Haruka.

Upon seeing Takane’s worried face, he mentally slapped himself for being nothing but a burden to the girl he loves. He wondered why he can’t…just for once make his Takane smile. Even though they aren’t together, the thought of calling Takane his brought such happiness to his heart that it was already swelling with his love for her before it dawn to him that he’s going to leave Takane sooner than he could imagine. ‘I don’t deserve to be happy at all…’ He thought before blackness took over.

After Haruka lost his consciousness, Takane didn’t have any other options but to call Ayano and Shintaro, and together, they brought Haruka to the nearest hospital. The thought of Haruka dying was too much for Takane that she cried her heart out. It was the first time in her life that she ever cried for someone. Someone who broke into the barriers she built up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2015 ⏰

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