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OLIVIA'S HEART RAMMED IN her chest, sweat dripped down her face, her breathing was heavy, but yet still held a sense of normalcy. Olivia didn't like normal, and she hated that she always had to work so hard to make herself not feel normal. So, she continued to push herself. She constantly went back and forth between punching the punching bag and exercising before deciding that it was time she would train one of the agents.

When she spotted Maria Hill, she smiled at the woman and walked up to her. When Maria saw the brunette, she offered her a small smile.

     "Hey, Maria. Are you doing something important, or do you care to train with me?" Olivia asked.

     "Would it matter if I was doing something important?" Maria retorted.

     Olivia stood there, thinking for a second before she shook her head. "Nope." Maria rolled her eyes at the woman, motioning for her to lead the way and so she did. The two entered the training room and almost immediately they started to fight one another. Olivia ducked under a punch and moved out of the way of a kick before spinning and grabbing Maria's arm, throwing her onto the ground. Maria hopped up and kicked Olivia's feet out from underneath her. Olivia caught herself with a roll before she was up again and they were fighting.

Occasionally, Olivia was allowed to use her telekinesis on the woman, but she was trying to avoid using her powers and was trying to become better at hand-to-hand combat. Olivia had gained three abilities from her father; turning into an arctic wolf, telekinesis, and a protective shield that would cover her if needed. She had spent the first few years of becoming a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent by practicing with her abilities and gaining control of them. When she was sure she had control of all of them, she started to focus on hand-to-hand combat as well as focusing on using weapons.

It was during these years that Olivia discovered her liking for the same gender. Olivia was what was known as a bisexual. She liked both men and women, though secretly she preferred women way more. How she discovered this? Well, let's just say she and Maria had started to spend a lot of time with one another and over time she developed a crush on the brunette. And overtime, Olivia's crush for the woman slowly started to fade as they continued to grow their friendship until finally it was gone and Olivia saw Maria as nothing more than a best friend.

The two continued to dodge each others punches, and kicks, until finally Olivia had managed to pin Maria on the ground and announced herself as victorious.

     "You've gotten a lot better." Maria noted as Olivia removed herself from on top of her. Olivia held out a hand and Maria grabbed it, allowing the brunette to pull her up.

     "Well, I was eighteen when I started, M. I am twenty-two years old now, it's been five years." Olivia told her, grabbing her water bottle and talk a few sips of it, Maria did the same.

𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐍𝐎𝐖, 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑━︎━︎ N. Romanoff (𝑟𝑒𝑣𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑒𝑑) Where stories live. Discover now