(Spring) Chapter 17: The Duke

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The wooden wall they found themselves in front of was nowhere as impressive as the wall of Bajoon but it got the job done. A young girl around the same age as Oliver and Clara was the one to greet them from atop of the wall.

''If you're refugees seeking shelter here we don't accept anyone else at the moment. Our food is getting scarce lately.'' She said with a frown on her face.

Xofamai shook his head and showed her his ID. ''We're members of the Resistance we heard you had an issue with a wild Elestia.''

The girl seemed relieved at that. ''I was beginning to think old Dane hadn't sent a call for help. Come in then.'' The gate in front of them was lowered down and the three of them were able to enter inside the settlement.

Violina was a small town even by the standards of post-Invasion Orchestralia. From Oliver's estimation there couldn't be more than two hundred people living here. Almost every houses were made entrely of wood, but the craftmanship looked pretty good from the little knowledge he had in architecture.

Clara looked around and noticed something right away. The little town there were in was a big contrast to the welcome they had received at Bajoon. The people here didn't look at them with fear and hatred instead they looked at them with something akin to respect. Then she saw something else that made her jaw drop in shock.

She saw two children one boy and a girl. Both of them were laughing as they ran around the street alongside a white wolf-like creature. One of it's leg was made out of metal and it's green eyes were glowing like a lightbulb. The Elestia ran with the children and even looked happy when they began to pet it.

Seeing the shocked expression of Clara the girl who was guiding them chuckled. ''It's crazy right? I was surprised too the first time I came to this settlement of how accepting the people were of Elestia. Everyone see them as our enemies and I can't blame them, we all lost family in the Invasion. But we believe inflictng more unecessary bloodshed will only worsen things. Beside Chosens like the member of the Resistance proved that we can and should use the help of the Elestia to keep our home safe. If everyone realised this we wouldn't have lost so much to the Dragons. We have a few Chosens living here too, unfortunately they don't have the training necessary to keep us safe from everything. Which is why you're here today.''

They arrived in front of a large field with a farmhouse in the distance. There was a large enclosure occupying a large part of the field inside of it Elestia with thick coats of wool could be seen. Oliver nearly jumped out of skin when one of the creature closest to him ignited it's own wool in a huge ball of flames.

Their guided looked at him apologetically. ''Sorry about that, they can get kind of nervous around strangers. But they won't attack you unless they feel really threathened.'' Once they arrived close to the farmhouse the girl raised her voice. ''Dane! Come out Dane! The members of the Resistance are here!''

A middle aged man emerged from the farm house. He was wearing a large straw hat on his head and was wearing a blue suspender and a white shirt along with thick black boots. He looked at the group in front of his house and smiled politely. ''Well hello there, the name's Dane glad to meet y'all.''

Xofamai was the first to speak. ''We heard an Elestia has given you some problems?''

Dane's expression darkened and he nodded. ''Yeah, fer about three weeks some of my Baacinder been missin'. At first I tought some of them might have simply run away. But then one night ah saw a huge beast come swoopin' down on ma farm and took one of my Baacinder with him. It was too dark fer me to see clearly what type of critter it was. But I reckon it was about as big as a truck and it had wings almost as big as me.''

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